How are the self-settlers getting on?

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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I'm in two minds about whether to try to get LO to settle herself for naps / nighttime sleep.

She's 3 months, and at the mo she gets to sleep by feeding (sometimes in day, always at night), walking her around or in her bouncy chair.

I know that I can't carry on these strategies forever, and I wonder whether I should start the self-settling before she really gets used to our bad habits!

But I also worry that maybe she's too young to get to grips with this, and may still need the reassurance of going to sleep with her mum/dad.

What are your thoughts on a good age to start self-settling?

Those of you that have tried/done it, what age did you do it and how did you get on?

Also, is there anyone out there who did it late/not at all and wished they'd done it sooner?
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I tried, we sort of cracked it (daytime) then he started teething/had his jabs. Need to get back on it but got things like a holiday coming up so would rather have him settled in his new environment iykwim?

I usually let lo self settle when he isnt stressing but when we go to bed I put him in his cot in our room, his music light thing on and leave him 99% of the time he goes to sleep no fuss so might be worth starting with that and building up?

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We have always put our lo down awake from tiny !! ( bad mummy I know !! ) although when they were little didn't make a big deal if they did fall asleep on us. Rhea is really bad during the day and will only really sleep in the bouncer or in the car !! And only for 20 mins at night she is much better has her bottle and cuddles then take her up and gone her her blanket and dummy sometimes have to go back up to pop dummy in . Hope u get on ok it is easier when lo self settle although do love sleepy cuddles !! Xxx

Theo gets himself of to sleep day and night. It's not often he's cuddled to
Sleep lol unless he falls asleep feedin or is upset over something. If I lay him on his playmat he will go
Off to sleep when he's had enough x
Georgia gets herself to sleep at night most times. Has done form
About 1 month. She's teething just now so sometimes needs cuddled off.

Daytime is a bit hit or miss. Her 11am nap she usually self settles, but afternoons never seem to go as well.

Albert has always self settled at night, he kicks about for 5 minutes then starts snoring lol, and was during the day but is wanting to be cuddled to sleep more for naps. I think it's background noise and knowing the MIL can't kiss him and give him stubble burn lol
HArrison does it during the day but not at night (which I dont mind as we get to have cuddles) what I did was designate a sleeping place we use the pushchair in the dining room (then I can always go out even if he is asleep) and I persevered for a couple of days. I would put him down with his blanket on and dummy in and leave him, if he moaned I would tuck him in and put dummy back in and I would repeat this however many times is needed, if he is very upset then i would rock the pram till he is calm then leave him. Now he drops off within minutes of being put in the pushchair with no fuss at all!!
james is fine he goes for his afternoon nap awake moans for 5 mins and sleeps same at bed time goes down probably cries once as he's lost his dummy i put it back in he's gone til 6 the next morning xx
I've started self settling and it's ok. I find I just have to trust it will work. Sometimes it takes a few minutes and other times up to 15. He moans a little bit sometimes or he'll just chew his hands lol. He's napping now and it took about 10 minutes. Admittedly I went in about 3 times. Don't know if that's a help or a hindrance!

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