Self settling at night

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Charley's fantastic at self settling when he 1st goes into his cot at night but if he wakes during the night the only way I can settle him is by either feeding him or using his dummy.
How can I get him to settle without these things?
The reason I'm asking is because me and Tim are in the middle of buying a house and our bedroom will be on the 2nd floor whereas charley's will be on the 1st so I don't really wanna be getting up 4-6times a night to go downstairs to put his dummy in! I don't mind feeding once a night ATM cos he still needs it, it's the dummy that's the problem but like I said he won't resettle without it!!
I would love some advice on this too. Freddie was a ratbag last night but is now full of beans this morning when all I want to do is fall asleep on the sofa.

SOrry no advice hun...
I have the same problem but mine is due to not being able to 'ignore' Lizzie's grumblings during the night, whereas when she first goes up she grumbles for about 5 minutes (when she loses dummy) and I'm able to leave her because I'm downstairs with TV on etc. I find I can't lay in bed when it's total silence except for her grizzling so I get up to settle her after a few seconds! This means she doesn't get a chance to resettle herself even if she could lol.

Sometimes I put her down after her night feed and go downstairs where I can't hear her for 5 minutes and when I go back up she's settled herself fine :)

This might not be relevant to you but just thought it might be worth mentioning x
how about getting him a lightshow? H loves his and all i have to do is put him to bed turn it on and by the time its finished he's sound asleep. I just turn it on in the night too (maybe get one with a remote so you dont actually have to go into his room?!
He's got a night show and he's normally asleep before it finishes playing. If I give him a bottle he goes straight back to sleep if I give him a dummy he goes back off after dropping it afew times. He's in my room so like becky said I can't leave him to moan/chat to himself cos I know once I feed him he's straight to sleep again so I can go straight back to sleep!
I'm gonna try the nightshow for during the night tonight and hope it's doesn't fully wake him!
Seb is horrific for self settling! Lol x how exciting about the house!!!! Whooop!!! Think the light show is a good idea x
Thanks Helen! I really wanna shout about it to everyone but I can't as it's not finalised yet!! I'm so excited!!! x x
I bet you are! Sounds fantastic! Shout about it on here then we can shout with you x
Its lovely once you finally get your house!I love my new house and were soooo much happier where we are now! Fingers crossed for you!x
I would like o know this too! I tried leaving him to self settle last night but he ends up screaming! I've also tried his cot mobile but it doesn't work. He's brilliant when he first goes to bed but it's through the night he wakes for his dummy. He woke up every piggin hour last night from 12.30!

Ps I know it's not finalised but congrats on the house! I wanna see pics!
I've only got the one pic as it's being built ATM! It's a brand new 3 bed town house!
It's the middle one and this is the back of the house!!

They've said we should get it as we've got the deposit but they've got to do all the checks and paperwork etc! It's taking so long!!!!
Omg, a brand new house! I'm so jealous!!!! I want one! My sister in law had a town house and it was lush.
I've been wondering about this too. I've thought about leaving him to see what he does but I only manage to wait 5 minutes before I get scared he's gonna fully wake up and start screaming but even with me replacing his dummy it takes ages for him to settle again. Last night it took an hour. If I was on my own I think I would try leaving him but he's in our room and OH works so not fair to keep him up really x
Yayyy good luck wikth the house, sounds fantastic, blank canvas for you.

I have this prob , Devon doesn't self settle at all! I can't get him to sleep in moses basket or cotbed , and will only fall asleep with my boob hanging out of his mouth, being cuddled, or walking in the pushchair! Nightmare

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