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Self settle thread update


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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A while a go a few of us were trying to teach LOs its ok to self settle.

Just thought it might be nice to update each other with progress and methods.

Today Tyler SS'd 3 out of 4 naps! His morning nap I fed him off and joined him!!! They haven't been HUGELY long naps but generally they are around an hour plus.

Method? There was no method! I just followed Tyler's natural lead and just would put him down to give him the chance to sleep and if he hadn't slept by about 15-20 mind I'd feed him off.

I've never tried in the evening, nights and sleeping is too volatile for that!


Will self settles every nap and at night for a sleep. Method - literally put him in his cot one night to try it and 5 mins later he was sleeping :) done it for all sleeps since xx
Alyssa seems to have regressed to crying when put in her cot atm at bedtime and waking in the night again but at 5am i put her back down and she woke up and i left her there and she was shouting a bit but not crying. she shouted for about 10 mins then suddenly went quiet, almost got up to check she was ok when i heard her sigh and asleep....was quite funny but also yay she went back to sleep by herself for the first time in ages
James has self settled since about 8 weeks old now we put him in his crib in the day for naps and he's gone within 5 mins same for bed when he's in his cot....method used none he just did it although controlled crying was used at some points

Harrison self settles 8/10 times but I never let him cry (or moan for that matter) so if he looks like he will kick off then I just rock his pram till he is calm then he nods off. He doesnt self settle at night coz I think he deserves a cuddle before the night and it seems to work well for us!!
T will self settle to sleep for naps if shes ready to sleep.

She won't in the night though when she wakes, and she wakes a bit :wall:
Ruby has only self settled a handful of times tbh I struggle getting her to have naps . At bedtime she falls asleep drinking her feed so that's not a problem . On Monday she had one nap all day and it was only abt 40/45 mins x

Ollie isn't great during the day I have to make him sleep by rocking him but at night (if he wakes) he usually ss fine. He went down great tonight. It must be a light/dark thing.
Max has self settled maybe twice.I always rock him to sleep for naps otherwise he just screams n fights sleep. Night feed I feed him n wait til he's fully asleep before putting him down as I don't wanna risk it at night. Think I'm gonna try putting him in his cot when he's nearly asleep n see if that works- but sometimes its such a fight to get him to nap that I don't wanna put him down n he start screaming again! Xxx
Sofia self settles every night but not in the day unless im walking around holding her not actively trying (like today in the co-op!) or in the car - she LOVES the car! :)
G is exactly same as Bevs LO. Fighting sleep at all costs just now - so self settling as gone right outta the window. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
last night it took from 9pm til 1am to get Alyssa down. every time i put her in her cot asleep or awake she cried and worked herself up. i fell asleep with her on our bed for about 5 mins and my oh decided to help and try to put her down wich got the same result but the the divvy took her downstairs where its light and the tv was on so she was then proper awake and overtired having been awake since 7pm. she screamed at him on and off for about an hour and then i gave up trying to sleep and came downstairs and took her and she shut up and sat on me looking tired but awake. he had given her calpol and was convinced she wasnt feeling well or had a tummy upset cos she was windy and screaming for him but she hadnt been like that for me so i reckon it was just from gulping air while screaming. gave her 2oz of milk and rocked her a bit and she fell asleep. after 10 mins i managed to put her down and go to bed myself and that was about 1.30am. shes deffo teething but i think this is sleep regression too as she was like this as a newborn
Kayla seft settles at night,, we feed her and put her in her cot and she takes her self off to sleep, soetimes we will have to go up and giver her a dummy once or twice but she is getting good,

Have to start doing something with naps now, at the moment if she is haiving a whinge and i pick her up for a cuddle she will go out cold on my chest so i just pop her in her swing seat or buggy ands he will usually go back asleepp straight away,, I have also popped her in her cot upstairs with the mobile on whle i do some housework and a few times she has played for 10 minutes and fallen asleep lol
I have a set routine with Austin now, when I see he is tired, rubbing eyes, staring into space or doing his tired moan, I take him to the ursery sit him on my knee...ask him 'are you sleepy' a couple of times to reinforce the word 'sleepy' for when he understands it in the future,

Pop his dummy in, use the shhh pat technique until he is on the verge of sleep, but not totally, then pop him down in the cot. He usually goes off a treat. In his kmorning nap which is about 2 hours+ he will wake prob twice, but today he has self settled.

Some tips I read in my new book are - make sure hands are free, to allow them to try and SS.
Dont rush in straight away.
If you have a video cam, try to watch for signals before going in, or sneek and watch if the crying isnt too stressful for u and LO.

Also, if you catch before they are too tired, usually trying to wind down in nursery after 1st yawn, theyare less likely to fight it.

Hope this helped a few of u.

lol yeah those are great and used to work, Alyssa self settled iat 5am day before yesterday and is good for naps, todays 1st nap is 2 hrs long and she fell asleep on me, woke when i put her in her pram and then went back again and has disturbed a few times and ss. its just bedtimes that shes fighting it so hard and nothing works except feeding her to sleep and then leaving her to be out cold before putting her down. she will happily play in her cot if not too tired and lie there contented but if she gets sleepy she cries. i leaver her to it and she gets worse, i stand and shush her and she screams and thrashes round etc lol. its just a phase im sure and sometimes she settles wonderfully just not much recently. teething and 4 month regression early i think.
H will self settle when she's sleepy, I just put her down and she turns on her side, arches her back and falls asleep like that.

Sometimes I've got to feed her though x
Self settling is not happening here... :-(. Sleep is becoming a nihtmare, and last night I had to go into LO's room at least twenty times to replace the dummy she had spat out! Tired is not the word! :-(

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