Seeing stars!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Im a little worried.. As posted in here earlier I have had headache for quite a bit now.. And today Im seing lots of stars in my vision field. Like sparkling stars or black stars.. Very trange never had it before.. I am anemic maybe its an iron thing ?
Sounds like a migraine, lovely. Give your GP a call and see if you can go and speak to them. I'm sure all is fine but just to put your mind at ease xxx
I would contact your MW or hosp asap as that sounds exactly how my pre eclampsia started! Its a serious complication so better to get it ruled out or dealt with if thats what it turns out to be dont take any chances xxx
thanks! I will call now and make app with doctor or midwife.. x Although isnt it too early for pre eclampsia thought that occurs end of pregnancy x
omg my OH just called my midwife, he is soooo embarresing.. As my phone is not working and he is at work.. She said nothing to worry about and he went on asking about preeclampsia, and she actually replied to him saying i should get my sight checked out ????? go to an optican ???
Hmmm i don't think thats too great an attitude from your midwife, i'd book an appt with a doctor to get a check up, they will check your blood pressure and stuff and you can at least get some info. After all you are pregnant, you deserve to have your mind put at ease, even if its nothing least its been checked. x
Yeah like the others said go see your doctor. I migranes and cluster head aches and it sounds like those, there are things you can take in pregnancy for them too.

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