Seeing my GP this morning


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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I'm seeing my GP this morning regarding my hip and back pain.

I've been off work for 2 weeks now and I'm still in pain. It seems to be worse in bed at night, walking up and down the stairs and when I'm getting up off the sofa. But generally it hurts most of the time.

I'm a bit at my wits end with it TBH. I wish I could go back to work but I'm a nurse in intensive care so my job involves being on my feet for 8 hours, busy.

I'm still waiting to see the physio aswell.

I'm also seeing an occupational health nurse this afternoon to see what they can suggest.
Sorry to hear of the pain you've been going through hun. Good luck at the Doctor and hope they can do something to help you :hug:

Sarah x
Well, I'm getting a referral to the hospital physio and I've been signed off work for another 3 weeks!

My GP was still saying it's just softening ligaments
Oh no, I can totally sympathise as I've just started getting hip pain the other day. If I sit down for too long my hip seems to seize up and makes me stumble when I get up. Getting up out of bed for my regular toilet trips is a nightmare as I practically have to fall out of bed! It also seizes up if I walk for too long so I can't win really. I hope you get a chance to rest and relax for your 3 weeks though :hug:
I was going to mention it to my midwife tomorrow but I guess she'll probably just tell me to take it easy? As if I need an excuse! Hope I don't have to take time off work though :pray: much as I'd like to- I have way too much work to get ready for my handover for maternity.
Hope you feel better soon :hug:
I can totally sympathise too. I have an unstable pelvis which is also SPD/PGP and had to have Tuesday off as I couldn't get into my car because of the pain. The weird thing is over the weekend I overdid it at the zoo and so rested too much on the Sunday and Monday which made my back seize up and feel worse. I feel like my body is falling apart :lol: I do find swimming helps it :)

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