Seeing a different HV tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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And I'm nervous about it! She was last seen + weighed etc nearly a month ago now and the HV said the next time she comes out to see would be her 6 month check. Anyway, my usual HV is useless! She never ever returns call, she's ALWAYS either very late or early to see us and never apologises! Some of you might remember she said Angel needed a hip x-ray and said I'll be sent an appointment letter through, well that appointment was 28th Feb and I've still had no appointment through! Rang her 4/5 times now and every time she said she'd look into it and surprise surprise, never has!

So I rang up today to make an appointment to get Angel weighed and a different HV rang back and asked me how old Angel is and why I hadn't booked her 6-9 month check up? I said that the HV told me she'd call to book it and why would I be concerned at the moment considering she's only just turned 5 months?! She said she's coming out tomorrow to do the check up. I know this sounds incredibly judgemental but she sounded like a snooty rude cow. I'm dreading getting her weighed as she's still not eating very well and I'm scared the HV will think I'm a bad mum :(
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I'm sure she won't! HVs see all sorts!

GL tomorrow I'm sure she'll do great!

She might be sounding snooty if she has had a gut full of picking up the pieces after this other HV. It sounds like you have enough to shoot her down if she does get shitty with you, just try and keep calm and not wind yourself up about it beforehand, although that's easier to say than do I know. Hope it goes well :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
I think I'm just a little defensive because I don't particularly like my usual one and I guess I'm assuming this one will be the same. x
Well that's understandable hun, they are meant to be people we can turn to and trust to help us not mess everything up. From my experience a lot of the times it's the snooty ones who do the best job as they can't bear to be criticised

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