my HV


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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.... Is shit! (sorry) but she is!

i went 2 weeks ago to get lo weighed and she told me that now he's 8months (actually now 8 and a half) that he will need his 8month check and they would be in contact within a few days to make an appointment for me!

2 weeks later and i am still waiting! i have left her numerous messages,called her where she is based, contacted my surgery, rang her at baby weigh in yesterday but she was "too busy" and would call me back "right away to arrange appointment".... and she hasnt!!!!

i just dont know how else to try and get a hold of her. marleys gunna be 9months by the time hes gunna have his "8month" check!

sorry for the rant she just really annoys me & i dont know what to do!!!!!
Nobody has mentioned an 8month check to me, He is nearly 11 months! Looks like mine is s**t too! X
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Apparently the 8/9 month check can be done anytime up to 12 months :) xx
Nobody has mentioned an 8month check to me, He is nearly 11 months! Looks like mine is s**t too! X

i didnt know about this either until 2 weeks ago! she looked at his redbook and was like "ohh he's 8 months we need to arrange his check" ....

ive just called and left another message... starting to get p&£$Ed off now!!!!!
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Apparently the 8/9 month check can be done anytime up to 12 months :) xx

thanks hun... its just the fact she made such a big deal that i hadnt made an appointment (because i didnt know) and she was so keen to get it done asap.... and nothing!!!! grrr
I think it's a national problem hun, they appear to all be sh**e! xxx
You should all come to my area. Theyre all lovely here!
My hv is also Crap! she done LO'S check at 7 months and If you ever need to speak to her she's never there! x

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