Section confirmed/insulin increased/48hr admission


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Well, had my diabetic and antenatel consultant appointments this morning which DH was determined he wanted to attend so we can sort out how things are going to work in relation to the section and insulin.
The antenatal consultant was nice but shocked me when she said that if I went into natural labour before my section date of 30th Nov would I like to have a drug to relax my uterus so they can attempt to turn little one, he is currently breech, and try for a VBAC!!! Of course I dont want this which is why I chose an elective before I even knew he was breech...honestly they just dont listen sometimes do they!!!
Confirmed delivery for 30th Nov at 28 weeks :dance: and being admitted for 48hours on Thur/Fri before to have steriod injections and insulin IV and home for weekend before delivery which is so much easier on home life as less stress for DH looking after our 4yr old as weekday little one will be at school and we have the childminder to rely on too. Surprised though that I have to report to labour ward for the 48hr admission, whether they will start my drips there then transfer me to the ward I really dont know.:roll:
The diabetic consultant was increased my insulin levels and may need to do the same again before I reach 37 weeks but all going okay at the moment and the care is excellent.
This month is just packed with appointments which is probably a good thing as it will keep me busy before little one arrives end of the month...reality is starting to set in now!!:shock:
Gld it went well and you have all the info now you need to get ready for the birth - he will be here soon!
Got mixed feelings of excitement and sheer panic as its only 3 weeks today!!!

DH went into the loft tonight and got down the cot and built it in DS's room, fits perfect!!! Charlie is so excited and had to explain that baby will be with mummy and daddy for a while til he is big enough to go in his cot, plus we dont want Charlie to be disrupted too much with night feed/changes.

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