Steroids & insulin IV done...lucky got discharged :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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I was admitted Thursday morning to labour ward and had my first steroid injection at 10.10am and told that with gestational diabetes the insulin levels are usually affected from the second injection which would be 10.10pm.
Was feeling a little strange at 5pm so checked my blood sugar and it was through the roof!!! After 2 failed attempts at inserting a needle for the insulin pump (which involved popping the vein in the back of my right hand which started to swell with blood and had to be released like a fountain...OMG did that hurt!!!!), finally attached to the insulin pump and had to blood sugar test by finger prick EVERY HOUR throughout the day and night!!! Got no sleep cos women were being admitted every so often then I would lie there waiting to hear the cry of their newborn baby.

Had second steroid injection at 10.10pm and continued testing every hour, no TV in the room, radio didnt work, tried reading and magazines but just kept listening to everything going on on the labour ward but the midwives were fantastic checking on me all the time!!!

Finally released off the insulin 4pm on Friday afternoon and transferred to post-natal ward for blood glucose monitoring every 2 hours but had such a blinding headache from no sleep night before that they transferred me to a side room for rest and gave me a dose of liquid paracetamol via my arm needle....amazing stuff!!!

All my levels started to settle down over night on Friday and was released Saturday at 11am with a warning that at my pre-op tomorrow that should they find anything wrong such as increased BP/protein, etc then expect to be kept in and delivered as planned Tuesday morning....bags are packed ready to roll!!!

Am quite badley bruised already from the failed attempts at getting a line in (just wait til I see the anaethetist cos I dont think he/she will be very happy about the mess my veins are already in), and also full of a bloody cold that I really need to get rid of before Tuesday and am seriously starting to panic/feel nervous about everything!!
Aw hun sounds like a right ightmare glad ur out and can get some rest at home to recover
Sounds like a bad few days. I fully sympathise with you as had to be on the insulin sliding scale after getting the steroids, and they suggested testing my blood sugar levels every hour, but I was already completely fed up of being in hospital for so long, that I snapped at the poor midwife, however, she didn't come in to wake me up in the middle of the night - so got some sleep.

Did they give you local anesthetic before trying to put the canula in? I'd had a line in each hand, so when I went to theatre there wasn't much left for the anesthetist to go for, but he put local anesthetic in first and then just shoved the line in which was much better and it stayed in place better. He said that as they have to use the wider/bigger canuals for pregnant women they should give local anesthetic first as its much more comfertable.

Anyhow good luck for this week, and don't be stressing yourself out today. Not long now and little one will be here. xxxxxxxx
Oh what a time of it!

Good luck tomorow Hun for your section, you will have a lovely birth experiance and see your little baby, will have to pop on for any news tomorow X

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