Second time mummies (and more) - question re tears and episiotomies.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hope it doesnt scare any first time mums as I was petrified.

My DS was 8 lb born so not huge but I had an episiotomy ( otherwise I would have torn). Question is, what is your experience re episiotomy or tears with subsequent children? Is it less likely? How about the old episiotomy scar?
I can't really help with episiotomies, cos I just tore instead :lol: K was a whopper and I had a 3rd degree tear (that bad they though it was a 4th degree)! E was almost 2lb smaller, but I did tear again, not as badly, but still 3rd degree. They put it down to the speed of her labour tho! I did ask my consultant about it whilst preg and she said you're at less risk of tearing again cos even tho it's weaker, things have already, erm, stretched :oooo: xx
I am hoping its a bit more erm stretched as it felt horrible after birth plus episiotomy isnt nice. Dont thing tears are better though as at least mine healed well. I guess it does depend on speed, I had ventouse as i just couldnt push him out. I am sure I read that scar tissue means you are more at risk. I can still feel where the scar is iykwim
It was te scar tissue that worried me, that cos it was already weak it'd just tear straight away, but according to my consultant it isn't the case! I don't think I actually tore the scar, I'm
Not sure tbh, it's not something ive really checked :lol: didnt help me that it was only 12m later either!
I had an episiotomy & forceps delivery, he was only 7lb 11oz but after 42hrs we were both exhausted. I didn't have any pain afterwards or anything but I am worried about it tearing if I don't need another one this time. Guess we wont know until the time comes and can only hope for the best x
Ooh i was wondering this. X

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I had quite a bad tear with my first as he's arrival was a little rushed at the last minute due to his heart rate being too low.

I was worried about the scar when i had my daughter - but it was fine - no tears, not even a graze and she was 9lb - compared to my son who was 7lb11oz! lol
I had an episiotomy with my 1st and a small graze with my second (no stitches)
I had quite a bad tear with my first as he's arrival was a little rushed at the last minute due to his heart rate being too low.

I was worried about the scar when i had my daughter - but it was fine - no tears, not even a graze and she was 9lb - compared to my son who was 7lb11oz! lol

I like this.... :thumbup:

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I'm v lucky and had just a small graze (no stitches) with both of mine x

I had a 2nd degree year with my first and my second was 1lb bigger and not even a graze :) xx

i had an episiotomy and it never healed properly cos my stitches went 2 days after delivery due to me having strep B! who would have known....

Anyway, my consultant told me they would put in my notes for the whole area to be 'tidied up' after my next delivery. she said they may even cut me again and then stitch it up properly...oh god, what a thought!!
I've had 2 episiotomies and last time, small 2 Nd degree.

From my experience, the natural tear was bliss compared to the episiotomies.
Within 3 days I was in no pain. I just couldn't believe it. It made such a difference to my recovery not being in pain for weeks.

Sheila kitzinger talks about episiotomies a lot, and she makes a lot of sense. The perineum is there for a reason, it is there to let off steam, and if it need to tear it will tear as much is necessary for the birth if the baby. Where as an episiotomy, is a deliberate cut, that has so much more risk of extending to the back passage.

Some women have episiotomies and are fine, I don't doubt that. But I'd rather tear naturally than have an episiotomy.

It's the reason I do perineal massage, to try and stretch the scar tissue from the episiotomies.
But just coz you have had an episiotomy doesn't mean you need one again or you'll tear badly if you don't have one.
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i think next time i will make sure i do some massage...

i had an episiotomy and it never healed properly cos my stitches went 2 days after delivery due to me having strep B! who would have known....

Anyway, my consultant told me they would put in my notes for the whole area to be 'tidied up' after my next delivery. she said they may even cut me again and then stitch it up properly...oh god, what a thought!!


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