Second miscarriage this year.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2020
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This isn't really a question, I just needed to talk. I'm so upset.
I miscarried back in July, at 2 months pregnant.
I am now 6 weeks pregnant and the lines are getting fainter every day and the doctor believes this is another miscarriage.
I have sharp pains in my tummy but no blood. I Feel broken.
I keep telling myself the possitives will come back, that the hcg will rise again but I know I'm just kidding myself.
There's no blood yet but every time I go to the bathroom or go to bed I get severe anxiety about it being there, I'm a wreck. My partner doesn't understand so I can't even open up to him as much as I wish i could, we never got a scan so he's not fully accepted that I was pregnant.
I just feel so lost and alone right now.
I was starting to get a bump (I'm small so the bump looks quite big, my first baby was massive and I already had a bump at 1month) and now every time I look at it my heart breaks. I know this isn't a question but I just really needed to say all of this, even if no one replies, I just needed to talk.
Thank you <3:-(

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Oh no honey I'm so sorry, loss is just the worst. And so cruel when you have the signs and symptoms to twist the knife. Sending huge hugs. I hope next cycle is your lucky one.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Miscarriage is just horrible no matter how far along you are and men just don't always get it as they dont always feel the attachment we feel right away. I understand how you feel, I miscarried twice and one after the other. The most important thing now is to make sure you are healthy and look after yourself. Take time for you and make sure your body is rested. Hope you're okay xx
I am sorry you are going through this, it's so unfair. I wish everything will work out for you. Fingers crossed

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