Screaming during labour...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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All movies etc I have ever seen there are women in labour screaming....
How true is that?
Now I want to be really realistic and I can't do anything to not let it happen but I am a doctor at the hospital that I will deliver and lots of people know me there and I will meet them again... I don really want to make a fool of myself ifykwim :( stressing a little about that.
I have pretty big threshold of pain but after all it's my first time and I am pretty sure that the pain is more than I could ever imagine...
I never screamed in labour with either children. IMHO it's a waste of energy that I could be channeling to help in practical ways. That said, if you feel you want/need to do it you should go right ahead.
Oh then it can be avoided with strong will... Good to know lol :)
Oh def. though Husband did tell me I sounded like a cow whilst I was labouring at home (supposedly my oooooh noises was mooing!!) but that just made us giggle!
I was saying all through pg that I wouldn't scream, waste of energy and didn't want mw to be annoyed with me so I would get their best care lol. When it came to it I had a few annoyed groans / shouts but not loud, and when first urge to push / pushing contraction came I groaned this wired sound LOL was wierd :)
I didn't scream at all , just a few grunts when pushing . TBH pushing my LO wasn't that bad it was horrible earlier on when I had contractions and they would give me no pain relife . I ended up having diamorphine and gas and air to help which worked wonders. As someone else has said there is no point in wasting energy screaming when u need it to deliver your baby xxx
I wouldn't worry about people you know at the hospital. On one born every min there was a midwife who gave birth with her co workers helping. They were crying too when her baby came out as she meant more to them. I think everyone understands especially if they've been through it themselves. And quite frankly as much as you might worry about things before hand you really don't care in the midst of it. You make whatever noises come out of you, but I personally recommend deep breathing and visualising something to stay on top of it. X
I barely made a sound with either of mine! Tbh, it depends on the kind of person you are! Some people are just naturally louder! I'm a very quiet person, so it would have been completely out of character for me to start screaming! Tv and films tend to be a dramatic portrayal of the whole thing and I think the screaming usually comes from panic, so i you go onto it level headed thinking "right, this is going to bloody hurt, but it wont last forever and I'll have a baby at the end" you're likely to be calmer!xx
It's really really hard not to make any noise during labour. I personally don't worry about that, I dont remember screaming but i was definately making noises.
You do what you need to do to get through and it doesn't matter if you tell yourself to be quiet or if others tell you to be quiet, you just do as you need x
If you need to scream then go for it. It will either omen naturally or being silent will.

Personally I didn't make a sound apart from when I went front 9-10cm and then I moaned a bit apparently. Pushing I didn't find painful at all though, as it felt like a release so didn't make boisterous then either.

There's no glory in being silent and no shame in screaming.
Thank you girls :love: I feel a little better about it now.
I wish there was a different hospital where i could give birth though other than the one I work....
Well we will see I may have a c section even after all and things will change completely. Still discussing with the consultants about that...
I didn't scream during labour but I did grunt at the end of each push iykwim. Mw kept telling me that was a good thing because it meant I was putting all my effort into it lol.

I know a lot of midwives do get annoyed if you scream without doing anything so to speak. So screaming rather than pushing because you are wasting energy. However if screaming helps you push then I say go for it. Whatever helps you through the pain.

TBH when the time comes you won't care what you do as you'll be too focused on the pushing :)
id love to know how peopledo it without making any noise x
I didn't scream, but I wouldn't have cared if I did! Plenty of other people were making all sorts of noises:)
I screamed and i'm not ashamed to say it! my baby arrived extremely fast so i had nothing at all to help with pain, if you need to you need to, at the time you won't care lol xx
I really don't want to be a screamer!! I just want to have a silent..ish birth! I may well be being a bit niave but I think that's the best to be. I also have quite a high pain threshold and really hoping to labour without pain relief I just want to be in complete control. Unless obviously I need a c section and things will change :)
I remember seeing a girl on one born every minute who had a water birth and she was so silent during it, I thought she did amazing so I am hoping that I can do the same :)
I didn't make any sounds with both of mine - hubby laughs when we watch labour and delivery programmes and the woman is screaming and moaning like a cow!

I had an epidural with the first so that may explain that one, but I had nothing at all (not even gas and air) with my daughter and she weighed 9lb!

I found I was more in a meditative state - where I had my eyes closed and was kind in my own place, I was aware people were there and focussed on the guidance given by the midwife, but didn't speak or open my eyes - must have been kinda strange to watch, lol.
i can see me swearing the whole way through labour and birth as it can sometimes be like bloody tourettes haha either that or il be in so much shock that minion will be arriving that I will be speechless (for a change lol). Im planning on having music with me if they will allow that to try an relax me wmore it would be mostly snow patrol as theyre my absolute favourite band and minion has giving their approval when I held their music to ma belly xx
I screamed with my first. The first midwife said it wouldn't help then there was a shift change and the second said "Scream as much as you like. You need relief from the pain some how if that makes you feel better just do it."

I didn't use any pain killers with either of my kids. Tried gas but it made me so dizzy I asked to have it turned down but it was as low as it went. They make me feel sick so I was completely drug free for both my kids.
I didnt scream but I do remember swearing once and my mum told me off! My OH thought that was just hilarious, we laughed quite a bit through it but that may have been the gas & air :)

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