Screaming baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I'm totally worn out, my smiley little girl who only cries when shes tired has turned into a nightmare! She won't stop crying and shoving her fists in her mouth... shes also blowing loads of bubbles of spit all the time aswell... thought it was teeth but can't feel any. Thought she had thrush for a while now but HV said last week all looked fine even though i can see white spots. Theres just something not right shes really not happy shes just screaming for most of the day. Shes really tired all the time too! Such a hard few days with her my head is battered. Anyone any idea what could be up? xxx
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She could be teething, they get the pain before you see the teeth appear.
Sounds like my sammy!We had this for three weeks, constant winging, crying, screaming, disturbed sleep, loss of appetite. Low and behold he cut his first tooth over the weekend xxx

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i wud go see the doc about it even if it is teeth he may be able to give u something with her being so young instead of calpol with it being 3months plus if it is teeth when took my son he had 5 teeth trying to come through at once doc basically put him on calpol ibrufren and told me to keep using teething gel and powder xx
Thanks girls, yeah yestoday she only had 16 oz!! She had 24 the day before that! I'll phone the HV tomorrow... poor little girl. xxx
yeah could be teeth hun. Oscar started at 8 weeks old, but only got his first two at 6 months old :shock: He started with severe drooling, like soaking bibs right through. We still have to change his bib about 7 times a day sometimes!

They might just be shifting around in the gums and it's probably a bit painful for her. She might be like this on and off for ages!!
Definately sounds like teething hun, baby bonjela you can give from 2 months and calpol have been a lifesaver for me. x
My lo constantly chewing his hands people always say oh some1 hungry lol but hes only just been fed i think must be teeth he must just feel somthing.

Hope ur wee one back to smiles soon xxx
unfortuatly its our job to just keep trying everything till we get a result. very frustrating i know. my only advice is teething bongela. sorry
Thanks everyone i got her some calgel as the HV said her 2 front bottom teeth are very near the gum and she probably knows they are there... i actually think it was more constipation with the crying cos i gave her a baby massage and she pooed within seconds! My smiley baby is back!!! :D She is still shoving her fists in her mouth alot though but so glad she seems better. Its so awful when something is bothering them. x x x
Lucas is exactly the same as Lacey. We thought his reflux wasn't getting any better but we think it is and he is struggling to drink because his gums hurt now. I have been using dentinox teething gel and Nelson's teething granules. xx
It definately sounds like teeth, sometimes the pains come a good month or 2 before the teeth.

Teething is a nightmare, I remember getting my wee 1 into a good routine after birth & things were going well, then bang, straight into teething with the constant crying, all day and night. It almost feels like going backwards a step.

Keep strong, it wont last for too long!

Thanks everyone! :)
No i haven't heard of them necklaces but i will look them up, thanks.
Louie is exactly the same. Part of his gum feels hard so there's defo a tooth coming. He screamed for an hour solid earlier and that's really unlike him. It must be so sore for them. Xx

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