

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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I cant help but shake the feelin am going to go over and need induced am petrified i wud much rather go naturally
on a total downer today cause baby is still not engaged too
am in a rite moany mood
sorry rant over
Just think, you'll have your gorgeous baby in your arms very very soon.
Also, it's always best to 'not expect'. By that I mean, sometimes birth doesn't go the way you planned, it's a totally random miracle that happens, all about timing and when your beautiful baby is ready to see it's mummy. But you'll have so much support and care from the hospital staff and those close to you so don't stress about what could happen and what might or what you want. Having a birth plan is ideal, but being open-minded is also a good idea. Wishing you all the best, I bet you can't wait to see the little one :) xx
being induced isn;t as bad as some people think, even when you go into labour naturally you can need intervention. I was induced with my 2nd and actually felt alot more in control than i did with the ones i wasn;t induced with, i knew the date i was having her, i knew the plan on what was going to happen and just felt alot calmer. just trying to give you a positive side to induction.
It's best just not to expect anything and let ur body do it's job. Everyone told me I wouldn't carry to term so my 9 days overdue felt like 4 weeks overdue! Then I had my sweep and the me couldn't do it properly cos my cervix was still high and closed-was sure at that point I'd need an induction but 36 hours later was in natural labour and now I'm cuddling my baby. It really will just happen when it's time xx
I think i was fine until i seen mw yesterday and she said lo isnt engaged and just got me thinking...over thinking... eesh thank you ladies av started today alot more positive after reading ur posts :)

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