

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I have just spent about 15 min trying to stop my drunk husband from getting into a fight. I was pulling him an he was trying to move me out the way and I was very very upset.

I am sooo scared tht this is going to cause a misscarriage!

I wasn't knocked to the ground or anything but I was using all my strength to try and stop him from moving.
Try not to worry Hun,babies r surprisingly well protected against this stuff. When I was of wiv my youngest I had a massive argument wiv my drunk oh,he was packin his stuff and was lookin 4 his car keys!!? I was so scared and was havin really sharp stabbin pains in my lower abdomen,remember sobbin my heart out whilst arguin and just shoutin ow every couple of mins...anyway,everythin turned out fine xxxx
jeezo you think he would be considering you at this time as you are pregnant i would try not to worry and just rest up you should be fine x x
He was that drunk that he couldn't see sense. He is usually a loving guy and very protective, but he just turned into this aggresive London boy ( he and his brother appear to have been brought up with this figthing mentality- I was brought
ip to walk away).

Anyway I slapped him accross the cheak to get his attention, so he slapped me back- he showed no remorse at first. After reality hit him he broke down and cried. I know he hit me because I hit him, but I never thought he would actually do it!
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What he slapped you?! :shock:

He clearly can't handle his drink and i think you need to have a serious talk about him not getting into that state again, seriously.

I doubt very much it would have had any effect on baba though :)
Yea, but I did slap him first cos hr was in my face with these big eyes- really scary.

I have told him that he need to control his drink with football- last time his team lost he hit the wall and left a hole- now he's left an even bigger hole in the wall!

This is the first time he has taken anything out on me, though I was putting myself in the way to try and stop him from goin out the front door, so it's my own fault.

I told him last night that he is not to ever mix drink again, and when he drinks it's a couple of cans.

It's hard because I don't really drink (never liked he idea of being out of it)- I will have a small glass of something and cradle it for the night (obviously I dot cradle any alcohol bow!lol). So in get to see what drinking does, it's not nice!

Hub is still asleep and am waiting to see I'd he remembers anything. If he does then he will be so upset with himself
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Have heard babes heartbeat on my doppler so am felling a bit better. Think I'm gonna be checking everyday this week now!
It is not your fault. You must never blame yourself for this.

he has some serious anger issues and can blame nobody but himself for hitting a pregnant woman.

Seriously, he needs to realise that his behaviour is disgraceful and change his ways!!

xx hugs xx
Im sure baby will be fine. My german shepherd jumped up to kiss me and whacked my bump once. Shat me-self, but all was ok x
my ex fractured my orbital socket blacked my eye and stubbed a fag out on me when i was having my dd and dr said not to worry as baby sit in a nice comfy place and are well protected sounds like your hubby needs a mahussive guilt trip laid on him tho!
Chocolates and flowers were received today. He also agreed to lay off the booze, and he won't mix the drinks again. It seems that it was the mixing that made him go crazy.

He is feeling very very guilty. Have already told him I he does it again then that's it, and that he would only getting supervised visitation. Harsh but I wanted it to hit home. He really is a lovely guy, just a shame what drink can do.
I would make sure he doesn't do it again by telling people, starting with your family and his! I am sorry but whether it was an accident or because you slapped him first I would make sure he won't do it EVER again!

Hope you are OK chick :)
I hope your ok Hun I hope your talking to him worked! Why don't you go out or stop at friends or even better get him to stop at friends next time he feels the need to drink that way you're not around (and your house) to get the back lash! I'm sure the baby will be fine - try to relax the next few days
Oh blimey, glad OH has woken up and taken it as seriously as he should, drink really stuffs lots ofk things up without any intention.

Don't worry about baby, really padded in there swimming about X

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