Scared to go to sleep :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I managed to get about 4 hours sleep last night cos of these stupid dreams! Again they are that my boy has died, in one of them I was told to take a pill during my scan and they made me watch him die on screen :cry:. Woke up in a complete state and just can't get them out of my head.
I've tried listening to music and meditating before bed etc, even got my teddy out of the cupboard :)roll:) and still get these dreams. When I nap in the chair they don't come, only in bed.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, I am so tired but am getting to the point where I don't want to sleep :( xxxxxxxxx
Oh hun, :hug:
You must get your sleep as you will be making yourself exhausted and that is not good for little Bertie. Can you nap in the daytime more if you are struggling at night?

I don't have many suggestions other than that :( I too have had some pretty harrowing dreams but I manage to forget about them when I get back to reality.

Do you have something on your mind? Are you getting stressed out about something else?
just remember dreams are the opposite to bertie is going to be a healthy little baby and you will get to hold him one try not to worry....

i know they can be very realistic though xx
Don't know if it would help but do you have a spare room you could try for a couple of nights? Or could you move your bedroom furniture around? It sounds weird, I know, but sometimes just a small change in the "logistics" of sleep can make a big difference.
Check the temp of your room hun and that u are not eating heavy foods like cheese and bananas before bed! Also read a book that gives u ideas to dream of a nice one?! I recommend cecila aherm where rainbows end! Funny n simple! Hope ur ok hun, if ur anything like me your mind is working overtime and needs rest, when you wake up just get up and watch tv or read emails take ur mind off them! Xx

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