Sleep - lack of it


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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What is everyone using for support whilst in bed? I normally sleep on tummy but now it's too uncomfortable as feel pressure on tummy. But I can't get comfortable on my side. Tried using extra pillow last night as support. It worked for a wee while but then was uncomfortable again. I need something soon as I still have long way to go :-( Any advice greatly appreciated. xx
Someone leant me pregnancy pillow which is basically the same as a normal pillow except it's as long as your body! It's definitely good to prop up against in bed and because it's bigger than a normal pillow you can entwine your whole body around it x
i cant sleep either hun, dont know what to suggest. i wake up a good 10 times throughout the night :(
I'm having a nightmare with back ache in bed every night. Tried strategically placed pillows but it's just not helping. I tried the spare bed last night and it helped a bit but think it was just cos I was knackered. Any advice worth a try!
I'm not sure what to suggest either, I am phoning the gp next week to see what he can reccommend because last night I was awake to 6am was so restless and fidgety couldn't get comfy :( xxx
The only thing that people seem to use to help is the maternity pillows but personally mine doesn't seem to working. Been waking up with terrible lower back ache on my left side, the only way to ease it is to lay flat on my back but I know as this pregnancy progresses I won't be able to do that! It's awful isn't it? xx
not having many problem as of yet!! but while out yesterday i saw a pregnacy bump wedge not too big like some of the pillows others have recommended it supposed to support ur bump while lying on ur side think it was only £10 that was from kiddisave in my town though but assuming they do them elsewere :) Good Luck xx
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I just have a double duvet and double it over and lie on it as me and Partner can't share one. So if you short on cash just roll up a double duvet and use that hunny x
I have had one - yes thats right - ONE - full nights sleep throughout the entire pregnancy, at first I was peeing at all hours (up to ten times) and now im peeing and extremely uncomfortable, I like to look at it like im being prepared for lack of slepp. Although the sleep itself isnt bothering me, I could lie there and doze happily, I have just never felt so uncomfortable in my life!! Only 3 and a 1/2 months to go!!! :) x

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