Scared something is wrong...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi all,

As many of you know, I had a mc on 13th oct, which I found out about on my 12 wk scan. Before I fell pregnant, and more than ever now, I have been battling with thoughts and feelings that I may not beable to get/stay pregnant. This probably sounds madness, but I had a termination 10 years ago, and I think since then I have been anxious that I won't beable to get pregnant. I am 32 years old, and just got married in May. I wouldnt be an outwardly maternal person, but I love kids, and have always wanted a family. This anxiety has got 100 times worse now since my m/c, and I can't help but think something is wrong. I can't wait to try again, so that I can ease my worries, though I know that I will worry the whole time if/when I do fall pregnant! I keep telling myself that I've had scans, and if anything had been wrong surely they would have seen it then. I know these are natural anxieties that women have , esp ladies who have suffered mc, and I just feel the biological clock ticking more than ever now!!! xxx
I think a lot of the worries about terminations affecting pregnancy in later life come from years ago when they were more invasive and used instruments rather than the hormone based drugs they use now, after all there has been very little research into mc before now that it's not really been looked at from modern eyes. I would have thought that if the termination affected you physically you would have known about it before now hunny.

When something this devastating happens it is only natural to look at ourselves and what we could have done differently but chances are your mc was not related to the termination at all. Because there are so few answers out there women are left to wonder and doubt, I cannot wait for science to start putting minds at rest and help mend some broken hearts very soon xxxxxxxx

Thanks hun :) I had vacuum aspiration at around 6 wks for the termination. I was very uninformed about what this was, and my experience of it was very unpleasant, like something that would be done before modern medicine and not in a marie stopes clinic!!! I think my mc has just brought it all back to me. From what I have read, even this method rarely causes problems in future pregnancies, but I can't help but worry, and know I will worry until I have a baby :(
Thanks for your kind words xxx
dont worry about your biological're still a young un :)

i miscarried in march and went through the whole i will never be a mum and that was my chance thing and i am older tha you.

but then we got lucky the first time we tried again and here i am now ......

try and stay is just oe of those things.......sadly...and so many people go through it

wont help at the moment but the pain does ease....i promise x

You can't live like this darling.

M/C's occur is most cases becasue there is some sort of chromosonal deformity.

There is no connection between you having had a temrmination many years before and your M/C. Stop thinking like that you silly moo.

I have had two losses hun, and yet I am still a believer.

What other choice is there??

I have to believe that 3rd time will be lucky for me. I am not harbouring any negative thoughts.

Each and every pregnancy is different so next time you could get your sticky bean

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Hi all,

You are all sooo right!! And I am usually the one telling other's to think positive lol, but there is always that wee negative voice in the background, unfortunately some days it just takes over :(

Hi all,

You are all sooo right!! And I am usually the one telling other's to think positive lol, but there is always that wee negative voice in the background, unfortunately some days it just takes over :(


It's still very new and raw for you hun!

Also it's hard to always feel upbeat and positive.

Just tell yourself tomorrow is a new day

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