Scared of Miscarriage


Sep 3, 2008
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Hi everyone

I feel so lucky after a year and a bit of trying that I'm now finally 7 weeks pregnant. This is going to sound really silly but on top of all the nausea and tiredness did anyone else have this constant fear that they might miscarry? I've never been pregnant before and am sure I'm being paranoid! :? but can't stop thinking about it.....I realise its completely out of my control but wanted to hear from others who'd felt the same.

Also every statistic just sounds terrifying - 2 out of five pregancies are supposed to end in miscarriage...

Sorry for being such a whimp!! Its just when you get this far!

i think everyone has the fear of miscarriage in first tri, i know i did im still scared that something is going to go wrong now.
just take everyday as it comes and try and enjoy being pregnant, some people go and pay for a private scan to put their mind at rest.
I know, im the same.. thats why I don't want to buy anything yet just incase. Is it really 2 out of 5? I read there was 5% of miscarriage with your first :think: I prefer my statistic :lol:

Lets just remember that the chances are slim and that it should be fine. Plus we only have a few weeks to go befoe we get scans etc done so after each day I picture the bump getting that wee bit stronger :hug:
Hi my Dr told me its 1 in 4 chance of miscarriage, but then you have people with several children who have never had a miscarriage and others who have had several, i have had 2 miscarriages and am now pregnant again and yeah im absolutly terrified it will happen again. I think its only natural to worry.
Sara that must have been hard for you, 8 weeks is quite a good stage to get to.

Does 1 in 4 include chemicals too?? thats very high :? Then again, if we're fit and healthy we have better chances :pray:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Sara that must have been hard for you, 8 weeks is quite a good stage to get to.

Does 1 in 4 include chemicals too?? thats very high :? Then again, if we're fit and healthy we have better chances :pray:

Hi SHP yes its been very hard, iv not managed to get much past 8 wks with my last 2 miscarriages so its worrying, iv got another scan booked tomorrow as i seem to have lost the few symptoms i had. So praying bean is still there :pray:

Yes i think 1 in 4 includes very early miscarriages
Bobbs, I read today that its less likely to happen after 8 weeks.. so you only have 1 more week until you've passed your first hurdle!
I have previously had one miscarriage and 2 chemical pregnancies (such and early loss it doesn't even earn a real title). Yes am worried it will happen again, and yes, check the loo roll every time I pee for blood. But the only think you can do is distract yourself as much as possible so you don't dwell on it too much. Time ticks by very slowly when you are consumed with one terrible thought.

I hope you can find something else to distract you.

B x x
I think everyone worries for the first 12 weeks, Im still worring a bit now, as cant beleive its really happening !

Take care of yourself, and good luck xxx :hug:
Hi Bobbs, Becs is right try not to dwell to much on it keep yourself busy, we all worry i'm 7wks and read that the risk drops at 8wks so not so likely to happen.I keep checking the loo paper too as i worry i don't have any symptoms except sore breasts and lot more trips to the loo,it's the 1st time i've been preggers so have no idea what to expect but worry as I have no cravings,nausea ,sickness.Try to take each day as the come that's what i'm doing eating healthy,getting pleanty of rest. i think it's natures way of preparing us to worry about our babies when they're born until they get to adulthood! take care
Bobbs im exactly the same!!!! Im so so worried im going to miscarry, im just trying to take it day by day!!!! Cant wait to get to 12 weeks :D
the hospital told me it was 20% or 1 in 5. and ur right the risk drops at 8 weeks then again at 12 weeks.
i suppose its not a bad thing that u recognise that it could happen, i on the other hand was totally nieve and never believed that it could happen (stuff like that always happens to other people but not urself right?) even when i started bleeding and having cramps i still thought everyting was ok and refused to believe what was happening. ANYWAY the point im trying to make is that ur fears are natural but the chances of anything happening are slim and you should enjoy ur pregnancy each day, i know its easier said than done but stop worrying and enjoy it because its such a special time in ur life :hug:

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