scared about 12 week scan.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
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i read somewhere on the internet that if a fetal heartbeat can be seen on a scan at around 8 weeks, your risk of miscarriage has fallen to three per cent. and seeing the heartbeat, especially that early on (or even earlier) is always a good sign.
my most recent scan was at 7w 6d and they said everything looks normal and heart is beating fine. i dont want to get my hopes up too much though.
i'm 9 wks now and still terrified of my 12 wk scan as a lot can happen in the space of a few weeks. i'm taking each day as it comes and trying to keep busy.
anyone else going through the same??
yehh i went thru similar thing nt long ago i miscarried in april!!! i was 10 weeks n i fainted so i went hospital.thy scanned me few days later everything was ok i was 10 weeks 5 days heartbeat was there and moving around and everything ....thn at 16 weeks i had a bit of bleeding i went hospital they scanned me and told me i had a missed miscarriage and the baby had died at 11 weeks (so 2 days after scan) but had not cum away cuz it was a missed miscarriage where the body dont reject it. thn i got pregnant again in august and was really scared like you r the closer the day to my scan cum the more nervous i was. i should have been 11 weeks 2 days wen i went in for the scan but thy put me a day forward so 11 week 3 soo i got over the 11 weeks bit further thn i got lst time ....and im still being sick so hopefully everything still ok i keep thinkin wat if its happened and i dont no about it but i take 1 day at a time like you and my m/w sed if im still being sick everything shud be ok. but its natural to worry hun!!! jst keep doin wat ur doin n everything shud b fine :hug: :hug: xx

sorry for going on and on and on lol
i also had missed miscarriage in june this yr, i never got 2 see baby's heartbeat last time as i went in 4 scan at 12wk and baby had already died back at 8w, i never had any bleeding. had to have d&c as my body was doing nothing about it.

atm i'm still feeling sick and boobs r still sore, keeping an eye on symptoms every day just incase. i'm so scared though, like u i keep thinking "what if its happened and i dont know about it", all i can do is pray that everything will be ok at 12 wk scan.

hey lizz, well i am not that far away from you i am 8 wks now and have my first scan a week today.....i am petrified as i had a bit of a show of blood there yesterday and it was the same as what i did at easter time this year.. i hope your scan goes well and i will be thinking bout you and in another 20+ weeks we can both talk bout how the preg is going for both of us...i am trying to be positive and i know it is hard for all of us that has been through all this but coming on here and talking bout it really does help me. i just try to relax and not do to much at work...(not that the boss likes it) but hey it is my baby i am trying to protect not his so he can deal with it lol...

take care
good luck :hug:
O/H was saying the other day after most recent scan, we dont want to get our hopes up or get too excited just in case, but its so difficult not to when u've just had a scan and everything's ok.
as i've already said a lot can happen in the space of a few weeks, and unfortunately in larisa's case a few days, its scary but all we can do is pray for a miracle and the strength to get through this time (and i'm not even remotely religious normally)
i hope all those going through the same thing and having the same fears all pull through
Hun congratulations on your pregnancy :cheer: stay positive
this little bubba is going no where you seen a heartbeat and you will at 12 wks and everyother scan
we all get scared going to scans because of previouce losses but we have to stay positive and you have seen a heartbeat so thats fantastic hun :hug: you can get the fetal dopplers now that can hear babys heart beat as early as 9wks i bought one but never got round to use it .. I am going through icsi at the moment and on day 4 of drugs and :pray: i get a bfp next month xxx
i really hope you get your bfp, good luck. thanks 4 the support, i'm just waiting and waiting now for the time to pass until the scan.
i hate waiting! :(
Hi hun i know how you feel im due my nxt scan on the 22nd of dec and cant wait just to see and hear all is ok ....
Im a lil bit more nervous than should be as i have to take my 5 year old with me as there be NO ONE to look after him
Just stay positive im trying to your be fine :hug:

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