Cramping and clots 3 weeks after mc


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Just after some advice from u lovely ladies,

I was told on 20th June at 11 weeks my bean stopped growing at about 5 weeks, no baby in sac. I was left in limbo until 1st July where I started to mc in the early morning. I thought I had stopped bleeding last week but the spotting kept coming back, until Monday 18th July, just short of 3 weeks of bleeding. Around 2 weeks post mc i passed a large grey fleshy thing, not sure what it was and the bleeding tailed off quite a bit after this. Since then it has just been pink cm and lots of it, and occasionally my cm is yellow. Found I site that said this was normal!! Not so sure.

Anyway the last few days by evening I have felt a bit crampy but not worth taking anything for, kind of a dull ache. Reminds of when I had my coil fitted, that sort of pressurem if anyone here has had a coil. Today though at work I started to get a bit more blood and felt very wet (tmi) as though I was peein slightly, it was just lots of ewcm mixed with blood. About an hour ago the cramps started to get worse and feel like they did when I mc'ed. I can cope with them just uncomfortable. (tmi warning) Just been to the loo at passed some fleshy grey material about the size of a penny. I thought I didn't have anything else to pass? I am still cramping now so should I expect more?

The whole point of this post is to ask if this is normal? I phoned the epau this afternoon as I took a pregnancy test and it was positive still, as long as I get a positive test next wed then they will scan me!

So about this thread being so jumbled just typing down as much info as I can but as I remember it so sorry. Xxx
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When I miscarried, I'm guessing i lost the actual baby when I started to bleed (I was passing huge clots and bleeding very heavily but when the hospital checked it was just tissue). When I was scanned, the sac was still there but ruptured looking.

I'm no medical expert, but it sounds like the latest thing you passed may have been the sac. I've also heard if any fetal tissue is remaining, your body continues to produce hormones which will result in a positive pregnancy test. I guess either test again in a day or 2 or wait for your scan.

Big hugs being sent your way as this has really dragged on for you
Thank u bliss! All seems to have eased off again today hoping that was the last of it. Will do another hpt on Tuesday and if still positive go for the scan on wed. Xx
I am glad thing seem to be a bit better today but i would go to dr and get checked out, might be a bit of an infection. I passed a piece of tissue about a month after a normal birth. At one point i had antibiotics although no smells or too much discolour only pink/red (tmi!) I was really uncomfortable so had the antiBi's and cleared up and later passed tissue/placenta whatever with a stupidly heavy period, prob body getting rid of. If you are at all unsure get it checked out and make abig fuss over and over until its sorted. take care of yourself. xxxxx
Thank u Ellie, I am going to keep my scan appointment on wed even if I get a neg hpt in the morning. The scan isn't til 3pm, but see in as I have one booked I will keep it for piece of mind. Still spotting today but now brown blood, when will it be over I'm cd25 since start of mc!! Xx

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