scan went PERFECTLY :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Hi all!!

Scan went brilliantly, saw my little bundle and everything looked absolutely fine :) Was being such a little pickle and was lying on his/her head!!! The sonographer had to really press on my tummy to get it to move!!! So happy!! At the end the baby woke up a bit and had a little bit of a stretch, was so lovely to see it moving about! Can't wait for the next scan now!!

Downside: I have been put back, due date is now 4th April so not a march baby anymore :( at least I get to spend more time with you girlies though!

Thank you everyone for being so lovely and supportive, couldn't have got through this trimester without you!!

Lots of love,

Hannah xxx


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What wonderful news - congratulations!! They are fab pics of the little one as well. Really please for you xxxx
Awww congrats my dear!!

I am looking forward to hearing form the other ladies and hearing their good news too :)

(I may have only been here a few days but I do love a bit of good news!))

Wonderful news, so pleased for you xx
Ahhhhh lovely pics Hannah :) bet u are soooooo happy right now!! Are u telling ppl now xx
brilliant!! :) ah its wonderfull seeing these lil piccies :)

Im waiting to hear from everyone today too, its amazing how excited you get for everyone else xxx
awww! lovely! so pleased for you! cute pics too :)
I am so pleased, def telling everyone now apple, but still not doing the whole announcing on fb! Don't really feel like I want to announce it on line properly - I have all of you to natter too anyway :) thanks girls xx
Fab news and brilliant cannot wait for Wednesday and my scan to come around!! Bet you're on top of the world now xxxx
Oh amazing, love them pics!! How exciting that you can start telling people now!! :) xx
Yes fantasic news!!!!!!! So so so extreamly pleased for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats honey. What beautiful pics. So happy for you. xxxx
So happy all is well great pics xxxxx

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