Scan tomorrow and terrified it will be bad news like last time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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So nervous, i avoided early scan as I wanted to just go and see how baby had developed a bit later on, think I tempted fate last time. But now it's here I'm having irrational thoughts. I'm thinking that the pregnancy hormone was just leftover from my d&c 14 weeks ago or if it is actually a new pregnancy it hasn't progressed like last time and resulted in a mmc. Had slightly tender breasts bit not major and now less than before little bit of nausea but not terrible not overly peeing more and I have gained a bit of belly weight but no spotting bleeding. I am just worried as I can't go through it again I hope it is a better outcome, surely I wouldn't be that unlucky again? Sorry for essay,I'm on the edge !!
:hugs: really dont know what to say hunni but fingers crossed alls good for you :hugs:
I know exactly how u feel,,, it's been 10 weeks for me I had an ectopic and had to have my tube removed. I haven't had af since so did a test and a faint line Is there so I'm in limbo too. I'm on holiday but called my doc she said after 3 - 6 weeks at most there would be no hormone left no matter the loss but seems as my tube was removed it would have dropped quicker as my body didn't need to realise it isn't pregnant any more
I hope for the best for you. I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine but I understand that doesn't stop you worrying. :hugs:
Thanx ladies, tri 1 is such a scary time! Just hoping I make it to tri 2 and we all do too!
i'm feeling exactly the same! scan at 11.30 tomorrow and absolutely terrified been so sick tonight and have a banging headache just want it all over with don't think i could face going into work after if its bad news again! what time is your scan hun? xxx
got everything crossed for some good news tomorrow!!
im sure you'll be fine! :hugs: :love: xxxxxxx
Good luck for tomorrow hunny - fx that everything will be just fine :)
Awww bless u. I had a MMC 2 mnths ago and now 5 weeks pregnant again. Scared stiff the same will happen and there is nothing anyone can say which will change how u feel until u see that heartbeat on the screen.
Im booked in for an early scan at 7 weeks and scared stiff, will be testing like hell the days before so i dnt turn up and be heartbroken again :(
I really hope everything is ok for, it is such a scary scary time hun.
Let us know how u get on ok xx
I really hope ur scan goes well tomorrow Hun xx
I hope everything goes ok hun. Will be thinking of you and Sarah.

Thanx for the support ladies, It means alot. It's so much easier to talk about things on here as men just don't know how to handle it! X
Just wanted to say a quick good luck to you for today ladies. Fingers Crossed and look forward to hearing good news x

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