scan day


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2015
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Just home from my first scan, everything went well, 13 weeks tomorrow, and i'm having twins, we are still in shock :)
Congratulations! Wow twins! there seems to be a thing with twins atm. lol. Does it run in your family? xx
Oh lovely news Lois. Double Congratulations.

I'm just back from mine too. One active and healthy looking little bub. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow. So excited. Baby number 3 but no less emotional than I was 1st time round. Lovely to see their little heart beating away. Hope you keep well and get over the shock of twins quickly. X X X
No twins in family so was not expecting it. Not sure who is in shock more, me or my OH. Thanks guys :)
Congratulations on the twins!

Hope you're not too shell shocked, I think id be exactly the same if I was in your position, who knows maybe I will be come Monday..!
Aww what a blessing...once you get over the shock :lol: Congratulations! x

And it's nice to hear that you lovely ladies have had your scans and all is well. x
That's great, congratulations!! There's lots of us twin mummies now :) apparently identical twins are a fluke as the egg splits so it doesn't need to run in the family. I saw on another thread you mentioned double prams, a few of us have got or are getting the bugaboo donkey - great pram!

I still can't quite believe it and we've known for 4 weeks! Currently in the process of telling the last of the family before it goes 'public' later today! I think it might seem more real then! When are you due?
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That's great, congratulations!! There's lots of us twin mummies now :) apparently identical twins are a fluke as the egg splits so it doesn't need to run in the family. I saw on another thread you mentioned double prams, a few of us have got or are getting the bugaboo donkey - great pram!

I still can't quite believe it and we've known for 4 weeks! Currently in the process of telling the last of the family before it goes 'public' later today! I think it might seem more real then! When are you due?

thank you, I think I've found a pram I like along with matching car seats :)

I'm 13 weeks today, due on 16 January although they said it is highly unlikely I will go to that date, I guess the hospital will be my new second home for my fortnightly scans :)

What about you?
You're 2 days ahead of us, we're due 18th Jan at the moment. Yeah I don't think they let you go past 36-38 weeks. We're not back in for a scan until 20 weeks but ours are in separate sacs.

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