6 wks and just found out its twins!! anyone in same boat? x

Heard the heartbeats at 6 weeks! That's impressive!
is it Terri? I didnt realise that
Our Doc is head of the sonography dept, shes v good so its prob because of her? thats reassuring to know that hearing the heartbeats so early is a good thing
Hey hun wow ! Congratulations:) I saw my LO , HB at 6 weeks. Tbh that's all it looked like on tr screen a little flicker!

Now she's crawling all over the place!

Did u have fertility treatment or do twins naturally run in your family? Xx

Apologies for any typos!
thanks girls!! Its all still only settling into my head!!! Im very sick though.. no vomit thank God but very very bad nausea... on and off most of the day and then my body gets really shivery like Ive got the flu or something. Its so odd... Am counting down the days til week 8 scan x
Awww twins, how lovely, congratulations! Id love twins next time :)
wow, well done you double touble, how fantastic xx
Wow, can't believe you heard the hb at 6 weeks, I didn't even know that was possible xx
I couldn't hear anything at my 6 wk today just seen the flickering x

Hi all, This is my first pregnancy and I think that I am 7 weeks. Waiting on dating scan, but I already see a bump (rather large I think for 7 weeks) and I was just wondering if this is a sign of twins?! Would i be showing if there was only one in there?!! Lol, By the way, I SO want twins so would be extatic if it was 2! Thanks :dance:
also, im new to this site, Is there a quick link to see when someone has replied to your post or thread?
I was no bigger in tri one with my twins, I believe that's a myth!
It makes me laugh when people say they want twins lol
It's so physically demanding and high risk as pregnancies go, the labour/delivery can be complicated, they cost a fortune and you don't get a wink of sleep until they are 4 (especially if bf) lol x
i saw my bubs hb at 7+6 but we didnt get to hear it, lucky you - congrats xx
Huge congratulations!!! My Mum came to my early scan with me and kindly told me she would top herself if it was twins (huge amount of them in my Dad's family), luckily for Mum only one was found!
I saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks (they reckoned about 5 and half), but hearing it so early must have taken some skill, you're so lucky :)
Big grats hun. Get all the rest you can as your gonna need it.
I'd it possible to hear the hb at 6 weeks? My obstetrician says its not x
Wow! Twins! I think I'd have fainted if they'd told me I was expecting twins!!
I also didn't think it was possible to hear the hb at 6 weeks!

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