Saying Goodbye..... Hopefully not forever


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I was discharged on Friday afternoon. They were going to let me go on Thursday but I had terrible pain (due to infection) and they had to put me on morphine (that was heavenly I can tell you lol)

Anyway, I'll be going through a lot of blood tests, scans etc in the upcoming weeks. They think the main reason is that I have a weak cervix and I'm sure that if they'd known this and put a stitch in during the early weeks then things might have been different. But I must stop asking myself "What if?" as I know it won't bring our babies back or make it any easier.

Thank you again for all your support. This forum is fantastic and has got me through many dark times.

As I say, I am saying goodbye but hopefully not forever. In a way I'm hoping that my blood tests results show some abnormality as then I'll have more concrete answers as to why this has happened and be able to have treatment (along with a stitch)

Take care everyone, and for those you are expecting - all the very best and for those TTC never give up :dust:

I'm never going to give up!! Being a Mommy is all I've ever wanted. Though I know I'm a Mommy to 2 babies I can't wait for out take home baby xxxxx:hug:

To my x Bump Buddies Vickymc and Vicci77, I wish you every happiness and thanks so much for your support xxxx
Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry. Be kind to yourself and I look forward to seeing you back when your time feels right xxx
Vicky hun, i cannot begin to imagine how you are feeling but i can tell you that you are an incredibly strong woman. You will get your for keeps baby hun, i know it. Take care of yourself, stay strong, we all look forward to seeing you back here soon. Best of luck hun x
Aawww Vicky, heartbroken for you. You've been so strong, I hope you get some answers and things turn out better for you next time xxx
Take care Vicky. I hope you get some answers. We're always here if you need a chat xxxx
Really hope you get some answers after this heartbreaking time. Wishing you all the best xx
You are coping so so well, I'm sure having a positive attitude helps! Hopefully you get some answers. Thinking of you.
To a very brave lady..sending you positive thoughts, have followed your threads, but never knew what to say, hoping you get all the answers you are wanting and look after yourself , hope to see your name pop up again very soon xx
I'm so sorry you had to go through this again. Must be horrible. Be thinking of you and see you back here soon. Take care xx
Take care hun, look after yourself. It will happen someday, I know it!! Xx
Take care of yourself and let's hope they find some answers to help you next time. I really really hope that someday soon it all works out for you and whilst you'll never forget your 2 angel babies you will have your own take home baby in your arms. I'll be thinking of you- you do seem so strong! Take care x
Goodbye for now Vicky, I'm waiting for some answers too and it's hard not to know. Looking forward to seeing you back when you are ready and take the very best care of yourself and hubby. xx
Awww hun, you r so very strong and i really hope you get answers (and a stitch) keep in touch amd let us know how you are getting on and what your results r. You r the bravest lady i know i you will get your forever baby 1 day. Sending you hugs and happieness for the future xxxxxx
Hi Hun only just seen this I think of u everyday and how u r so strong and that I hope they give u the answers Hun I hope u keep in touch with us, you will be a mummy soon and u will bringing a lovely little baby home with lots of cuddles and kisses xxxxx

Just u stay strong Hun always going to think of u and thank u xxxxx
:hugs: I wish you all the best for the future and your take home baby. I'm sure your little angels are watching over you and are so proud of their mommy. Xx

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