Saw this in Tri 2 and thought it'd be fun....


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
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1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
29 weeks today

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes, a little princess for me!!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Megan Olivia

6. Is this your first child?
It is

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Sweets, coke, chocolate - I hated them all pre pregnancy lol

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
SPD - Low blood pressure and they are checking me for anemia!!

Nightmare lol xx
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
27weeks 1 day

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes, but im the only one who knows :moon:

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Alex Dillon for a boy, elle as a maybe for a girl

6. Is this your first child?
Nope my second

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Chocolate and milk atm

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Not really, im quite lucky, apart from the odd headache
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
37 weeks 5 days

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes, little boy

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Have a couple of ideas

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Fish, lemonade, cheeseburgers and mexican food lol

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
No think i've done ok so far
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
32+1 weeks

4. Have you found out the the sex?
No, managed to avoid temptation to stay team green! Have been getting boy vibes but really no clue!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Noooooooo, we are rubbish and can't agree on anything we both like!

6. Is this your first child?
Yup, a big, but very welcomed surprise!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Not really, a little more into chocolate than usual and loving roast dinners more and more (especially yorkshire puds and gravy mmmmmm)

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Only the dreaded heartburn which is agony but i can't complain as generally feeling really good.

This looks a bit of fun, thought I'd have a bash!

1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
31+ 6 days

4. Have you found out the the sex?
No, managed to avoid temptation to stay team green! I always thought it was a little boy but had so comments on my shape recently "thats a girl that is" !!!! so non the wiser!!!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yes, but its been very hard, my husband and I dont really have the same taste, but we have two options for each sex now, thank god!

6. Is this your first child?
YES! Honeymoon baby!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Not really, apart from satsumas and apples in the 1st and and 2nd trimester, and crisps as well!.

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Lots of discharge!!!!!, was lucky not to get morning sickness though! Some backache and sciatica down my leg now and again, but not every day. Small bit of heartburn in the last week or so.
This looks a bit of fun, thought I'd have a bash!

1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
36 + 1 :shock:

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Nope, staying team green!! :cheer:

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Definately Isla for a girl.... boy.. we've been undecided, but are now on Euan.

6. Is this your first child?
Yes!! very excited!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
All the usual crap of chocolate and crisps! But recently fruity things such as orange juice, jelly, wine gums and ice lollys!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Not too many,... just sore hips at night and yucky discharge!!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
34 + 2

4. Have you found out the the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Rhys David for a boy and Seren (possibly Seren Rose) for a girl

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Not really, just the usual aches and pains and joints seizing up at night making rolling over ro getting out of bed quite difficult
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
37 + 4 :shock:

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes a little boy for us!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Jack Devon or Devon Jack

6. Is this your first child?
Yes (DH has 2 girls from previous marriage)

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Hmmmmm yes Ice, I go through at least 30+ cubes a day! Also had a craving for the smell and touch of bath sponges, which isnt quite as bad as it was!!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
How long have you got?? Had non until the 3rd Tri, and in the last few weeks seem to have them all!! :(
This is fun. So nice to find out about everyone

1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
35 + 4

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes, a wee boy

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Dylan, Callum or Ben

6. Is this your first child?
Yes, it was a HUGE surprise

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Orange squash, I drink tons of the stuff

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Hmm, going to sound like I'm moaning now. Been bleeding on & off since 12wks, had tons of UTI infections, heartburn & over the past few weeks I've started to get sore back & hips. Oh and those shooting pains..
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
33 weeks tomorrow

4. Have you found out the the sex?
a little boy

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
adam daniel

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
green beans,raspberries,fresh OJ,currys,cheese

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
yes unfortunatley.

aneamia,carpal tunnel syndrome,and Obstetric cholestasis which worrys me alot :( :cry:
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
28 + 1

4. Have you found out the the sex?
little girlie

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Amelia or Isabelle

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
diet coke and ready salted crisps... pre pregnancy i hardly ate crisps and didnt like coke

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
morning sickness, but got off lightly i think
little bit of trapped wind im waiting for all the nasty side effects to hit me soon
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yeah im team BLUE

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Jody, Kai, Noah and Noel

6. Is this your first child?
Sure is

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Yeah at the start it was cherry coke and KFC corn on the cob. Now its mini scotch eggs, pickled onions and pickled onion monster munch or ready salted crisps!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Yeah pretty crappy morning sickness and shocking heartburn :(
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
36 + 6 (term 2moro woohoo)

4. Have you found out the the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yep but there a secret :moon:

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Anything sweet really never liked b4 pregnant now cant get enough. Best has been packets of birds semolina,brussel sprouts and I luv freezing cold drinks :)

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Constipation!! Other than that I have been really lucky
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
Just over thirty weeks.

4. Have you found out the the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Aye, some but we're not 100% on any of them yet.

6. Is this your first child?
It is indeedie.

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
God, yes. Early on I couldn't get enough chocolate milk (which isn't something I'd normally guzzle) and then it was orange juice by the bucketload, melon, pickled onions, anything vinegary, fresh pineapple, bowls and bowls of porridge and I've gone thru loads of crisp flavours too. I've also had some weird aversions. I'm back eating spinach now (which I really like) but for awhile just the smell made me vomit and I also couldn't stand anything creamy for awhile there.

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Early on I had morning sickness, constipation and cervical erosion. Lately it's been mostly heartburn.
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yep little boy

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Dylan Thomas

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
cold baked beans fromt he tin (couldnt eat them from a plate lol) and now ice which sees me going through a big bag from the supermarket per day

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
SPD and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
41+2 :wall:

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes, girl

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Yes, but not sharing (and you'll know soon enough anyway - we just want to make sure it suits her first!) :wink:

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
I went through a stage of anything and everything. :oops: And also ice lollies but it was over the summer so not sure whether it was actually a craving really! :lol:

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Plenty in the last couple of weeks but on the whole my pregnancy has been pretty straightforward. If she wasn't claiming squatter's rights and had come out on time I don't think I'd have anything much to moan about!
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
41+2 :shock:

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes, girlie

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
yes but we havnt agreed on the final choice so we are going to see what she looks like 1st

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
ice cubes ice cubes and more ice cubes lol!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
heartburn is dreadful! and the yukky discharge too!!! :puke: oh the joys lol
1. Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
27 weeks 1 Day

4. Have you found out the the sex?
No.... I am sooooo excited!

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Oliver James and Heidi May

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Cheese and fizzy pink and blue cola bottles!!!!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Heartburn Indigestion and terrible cramps! :(
Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
29 weeks & 2 days

4. Have you found out the the sex?

5. Have you thought of any names yet?
Mollie/Chloe Alfie/Harvey

6. Is this your first child?

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Just anything and everything edible

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Whats your name?

2. How old are you?

3. How far are you in your pregnancy?
33 weeks 1 day :shock:

4. Have you found out the the sex?
Yes a little boy :)

5. Have you thought of any names yet?

6. Is this your first child?
Yep and was a nice surprise!

7. Have you had any cravings yet?
Satsumas and anything thats chocolate or fattening!!

8. Any yukky side effects yet?
Only the sciatic pain in my leg so far!!

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