Same name?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Me and my oh are finding it hard to agree on names we both like but there is one name which we both like but it happens to be the same name that my cousin has chose for her lo which is due before mine.

I hardly ever see her only at family events but i dont want to copy.
My oh thinks it doesnt matter as we never see her but im not sure how i would feel if it was the other way round.

Would it stop you from using the name?
If you don't see her I would use the name :)
my friend from work has a little boy, alfie and we really want to call our baby alfie, i dont want people to think we have copied her so im nervous of calling him the same, but everyone has said its up to you what you call him , so i would just go for it!! we are
samandbump said:
my friend from work has a little boy, alfie and we really want to call our baby alfie, i dont want people to think we have copied her so im nervous of calling him the same, but everyone has said its up to you what you call him , so i would just go for it!! we are

Does your friend know you are using Alfie (which i really like by the way).

If i decide to use the name do i tell her or just announce it and let her hear through the family when babys born :think:
Yeah just do it, you like the name it's your baby, you don't want to end up regretting it.
we knew we were having a girl and had our heart set on charlotte from the begining. my cousin (who i dont see that often) was due a couple of weeks before me. they didnt know what they were having but had picked charlotte and oliver (funnily enuf oliver would have been our choice for a boy) all the wat thru the pregnancy i said it didnt matter but in the last couple of weeks after they had "their" charlotte i changed my mind. i didnt want her to grow up as "rebecca's charlotte" as oposed to "darren's charlotte". it also didnt help that both my OH and cousin were in the RAF and both been posted to scotland recently.

Last thing i changed my name to Rosemary. i havent ruled out charlotte for any future babies. if there's a gap in ages there wont be so much comparison.
My cousin and I have both got the same first name. She is 7 months older than me. When we were kids we used to see each other all the time and it was never a problem. She is my mam's brother's daughter and I don't think him and his wife mind that my mam and dad chose the same name that they had.

I'd say go for it :D We used to think it was great that we had the same name when we were growing up :lol:
Bloom said:
samandbump said:
my friend from work has a little boy, alfie and we really want to call our baby alfie, i dont want people to think we have copied her so im nervous of calling him the same, but everyone has said its up to you what you call him , so i would just go for it!! we are

Does your friend know you are using Alfie (which i really like by the way).

If i decide to use the name do i tell her or just announce it and let her hear through the family when babys born :think:

yes i told her and she said why would i mind, its your baby and if you want to call him alfie its up to you, she wasnt at all bothered which was a relief, im sure other people in my office will have something to say but everyone has opinions, you just have to learn to ignore them!!and go with your own choices
samandbump said:
everyone has opinions, you just have to learn to ignore them!!and go with your own choices

I agree, there will always be someone who has something negative to say but it's YOUR baby not theirs!
i would go for it but let her know beforehand
Your baby's name has nothing to do with anyone but you and your OH, and any other siblings, and so choose what you love, there'll always be someone with it, and once a baby is born no-one will say, 'Oooh you should have checked first' :hug:
Bloom - I would use it if you rarely see her! Is it the name you mentioned and if so, is it both parts that are the same or just the first name? If just the first I wouldn't worry hun - if you've finally found something you and Chris agree on you should just go for it :rotfl:

Bex - I love the name Rosemary :hug:
if i loved a name, i would DEFINATELY use it, no matter who else used it first! why should my baby hav second-choice name thats how i'd see it!

it happened to my mum tho with me- i hav my mum's second-choice name! lol my older cousin has "my" "original" name :lol:
Thanks ladies i feel a lot better now about using the name.
Go for it, you will end up regretting it otherwise. The only name we decided on was Scarlett, then bout 6 weeks before she was born(didnt know what i was having) my OH friend texted a pic of his new born daughter Scarlett.I didnt care if people thought id copied as it was the only name we agreed on, it was that or baby for the rest of her life!
I say rule the name out, when I was pregnant with Reece we'd picked the name Aden, my SIL knew this and her baby came 4 weeks early (we were due the same time) low and behold...Aidan was born!! :twisted:

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