Sad after ectopic


Feb 12, 2013
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Hi I has ectopic 4 weeks ago and nearly died due to loosing 5 litres of blood I have had mt period today so got really bad belly ache and back ache but then was also told today my boyfriends brother Ang girlfriend are 9 weeks pregnant I can't help but feel so sad and angry just when I thought I was getting better after everything
Oh hun :hugs: I know it's so difficult, i've got 3 friends that are pregnant so I appreciate how hard it can be to sit and be happy for people. Take care of yourself, and hopefully our time will come soon! xx
Oh hun,dont be to hard on yourself thats perfectly natural to feel like this.4 weeks is not a long time.I am 3 weeks since my ectopic and now feel nearly back to normal,i am due back to work tommorrow and am dreading it as i know the slightest thing will set me off.Try and stay strong and take care of yourself, sending big

I can completely relate. I had a similar experience with Ectopic. I was told I had MC'd but infact the fetus was blocked in my tube, my fp ruptured causing internal bleeding for 6 weeks and I too, almost died.

Time is a healer. 8 years, 9 MC's and an EP. Believe my I was raw with emotion. It seemed like everyone around me was having babies except me. Everyone is different, but a little therapy helped me find a healthier view towards others' pregnancies. Maybe that's something you could consider?

Take care, if you want to PM to chat, feel free x
Aww thanks everyone it means a lot my boyfriend thinks I need to talk to someone xxx
What an awful frightening experience you have been through. Have you been in contact with the miscarriage association?

It does feel a whole lot worse everytime you here someone close is pregnant!

I have just had mc number 2 and a friend who was 4 weeks ahead of me this last pregnancy got pregnant by accident and already has a 3yo and 8mo - I wanted and planned for my baby and lost it. I haven;t seen her since my loss, but dread her moaning about having the difficult situation of this unwanted baby! although I know she will love it anyway.!
Yh I no what u mean my sister in law decided to try after she found out about me but her feller isn't really bothered about it which makes me angry !!!! I'm just sad cos I feel they are all happy and the family will be excited and I won't be xx

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