Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy - Need to vent!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2014
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New here and need to vent!

This past Sunday, February 16th I went from being perfectly fine to lying on the bathroom floor in agony within minutes. DH ended up calling the ambulance to take me to the hospital having no idea what was going on. Once there it was determined I was pregnant. We had no idea! I hadn't been ill, my periods have been irregular for 2 years now so being late was nothing new. They took me for an ultrasound and said they couldn't see anything in my uterus, but I might not be far enough along to be able to see anything yet and the pain could be something else (appendix, etc.). They had their suspicion that it might be ectopic or could possibly be something else. Their solution....we could go to OR and deal with whatever they find (which meant possibly losing body parts that I would like to keep) or send me to a larger hospital with better equipment. Needless to say we went with the second option. Once in the ER in the second hospital 2 different ultrasounds were done, nothing in the uterus but it was in my left tube and it had ruptured.

By this time I'm experiencing periodic bouts of EXTREME pain that were so bad I couldn't breath...literally. What did they do...admit me and put me in a room....on the MATERNITY WARD!!!!! Yes, the place where mothers and new babies are. The nurse had the audacity to tell me that when DH returned to the hospital that he would not be allowed in as men weren't allowed on that particular floor. MAD!!!!! Right when I need DH the most, this nurse is telling me he's not allowed on my floor. This nurse was trying to tell me that men, fathers, weren't allowed on that ward to see their newborn babies???? Yeah right! Needless to say she was not so politely requested to leave my room immediately. I was left there for the night with the nurse periodically checking on me.

The doctor came to see me early the next morning and I had a "fit" of this extreme pain while he was there. After seeing this happen, he immediately told me that he was changing my priority, bumping someone out of OR and I was having surgery within a few hours. I informed him of what the nurse had told me the night before (as I was going to demand to be moved to a different ward, general surgery...wherever!) and he told me that she was wrong. Within hours I was in and out of OR and back in my room.

I was told by my nurse following my surgery (who was the only GOOD nurse, awesome actually!) that when the docs cut into me (laparoscopically) I already had half a liter of blood loose in my abdomen and had lost almost one liter in total. By this point I'm thinking...I guess when I was experiencing those "fits" of extreme pain that was a sign that something really wasn't right and the docs should have caught onto that when I first went in...not the next day. They had a very difficult time keeping my blood pressure up the night of the surgery. The day following surgery the doc came to see me in the morning and told me that because of my hemoglobin and blood pressure being so low they were going to keep me there for the day and monitor me and he would be back later that afternoon. My BP was checked ONCE after he was there...roughly 8:00 in the morning. Nothing else was done. I was finally discharged at 4:30 that afternoon having no other tests to make sure I was safe to go home (we live 1.5 hours from the hospital).

How can the doctors suspect ectopic pregnancy and see the absolute pain I was experiencing and WAIT to do surgery???? How can they admit someone in my situation to the MATERNITY ward??? A little insensitive if you ask me.

Now it's weekly blood work to make sure my HCG level comes down and we go for a 6 week checkup in a few weeks. Will find out exactly what took place and what parts they took as we were told they took the tube and ovary by one doc but the other doc said no, they only removed the ruptured part and tube and ovary are still there and sewn back together.

I'm home now and everything is setting in. All I can do is cry, I hurt so much. I don't understand why I hurt...I didn't even know I was pregnant. I feel like no one understands.
this is disgraceful, I had gallstones (not important) and was on the women's surgical ward, the girl in the bed next to me had just had an ectopic pregnancy but she had pain was brought in by ambulance and in surgery a couple hours later. All our BP was checked every two hours, and my surgery was bumped back three days on the trot and they said it was emergencies like ectopic that bumped it back, which was fine with me I was fine on pain relief and could wait.

And why would they put you on the maternity ward and send your oh home? id be sending a letter of complaint in! xx
I had an ectopic a year ago ruptured tube had to have it removed lost 5 litres of blood and nearly died was also the the maternity unit !

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