rubbish midwife


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
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i got told when id had my 12 week scan i should ring them to arrange an appointment for my 16 week blood tests. my scan was actually at 14 weeks and so the day after i rang the midwife and left an answerphone message saying i need an reply. a couple of days later i did the reply. ive left about 8 messages since my 14 week scan and now im over 17 weeks and ive heard nothing at all back. the only other option they gave is in an emergancy to ring the delivery suite, but obviously its not so i cant.
she said it was quite important to have the test at 16 weeks and now im really beginning to get annoyed with them. plus now its christmas and theyre gonna have time off, so i'll probably have to go after now...if i get there at all

just wanted to moan

Thats rubbish :wall:. Someone should of rang you.

Where do you see your midwife because i just rang the docs and they booked me in at the surgery for a day when midwife was in.

Hope you get some progress soon. :hug:
id ring them again and leave a message and if they dont respond to that id go and see your gp and see if he can either ring them for you or give you the blood test forms, sorry im not much help :hug: :hug: :hug:
I would call your GP tomorrow morning babe and tell them about the messages that were unanswered and now you are very worried about blood tests as they are overdue. If you are a bit OTT about it they might get you in b4 xmas xxx
I'd write a complaint about that. Totally unacceptable to not return any calls.
rang again this morning and left answerphone message, nothing yet.
i just rang my gp and he was busy so i got them to put me through to the nurse, i explained to her and told her i was annoyed. she said she'd get back to me. 20 minutes later she rang and said ive got an appointment today at 2:45.
im annoyed with myself for not ringing them and kicking off in the first place.
I've always gone to my GP/nurse for stuff if my MW has been unavailable. They are there to help also :) I've actually never see my MW outside of surgery and she has never come to my house or anything. Its never been a problem and my MW said it was fine to take it upon myself to book things etc if she was away. Last time it happened she got called away to help two women deliver so I missed my whole appointment and then she was away for 2 weeks. So in between all that I phoned and booked my 20 week scan at the hospital and when I next saw her at 19 weeks she said doing that was fine.

If there are any tests you need to have and you can't get hold of your MW I'd always suggest calling and booking to see your GP or practice nurse. Things like bloods can be taken by them also.
I'm glad you got an appointment. Don't worry about the tests being late - I didn't try to book until quite late on and as there are so many women pregnant where I stay I went to my 16 week appointment at 18+5 :D I always book through my GP surgery - maybe you could try that for the next one?

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