Midwife appt tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I have my 16 week appt tomorrow. I did ring and say I would only 14 w3d she didn't seem that bothered by that!
What happens at this appointment?
I don't know cos I didn't get given one lol! Got my second appointment this week too, hope they don't do more bloods had loads done last time!
I have my 16 week appt tomorrow. I did ring and say I would only 14 w3d she didn't seem that bothered by that!
What happens at this appointment?

she will go through your blood results with you , she may try and find heartbeat, but they usually do it at 16 wks, and just your general stuff ask how u are and take blood pressure thats it, all appointments are pretty much the same
and just remember if inbetween the appointments you are every concerned or want to ask her anything you can book in to see :) x
They should check your urine at every appointment, too, so if you have a clean container you can bring a sample in, stops you from having to perform on the spot when you're there...
yes, at mine they took a urine sample from me, testing for protein etc. went through blood results. did blood pressure, weight, and listened to heartbeat on the doppler.
she asked if i had any questions or concerns that she could help with and then booked me in for an a pp after my 19 week scan!
hope that helps hon xxx

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