

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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As I sit here at 4am trying to settle Isla (she hasn't yet settled in her crib tonight, just keeps wanting to feed for about 5 mins every 30 mins) and reading through various threads, it seems that some people get some sort of routine going quite early on. I'm just feeding on demand and don't feel anywhere near establishing a routine!

When will things settle down!?
I bottle feed but Charley fell into a routine of his own nearly straight away. I'm very lucky because the routine he made fits perfectly with school run's etc. I think it can take a couple of weeks for babies to get into their own routine
I fed on demand until my Isla was 7 weeks then started some sort of routine. Bath around 7ish, baby bedtime lotion, feed, I sit her on my lap and have a chat with her. Then normally feed again and she naps for a bit, probably 9-11ish.

I then change, feed and she is generally in bed for 12. It all depends on what we get up to at night, we had guests last night so the routine went out the window and she showered with daddy this morning.

I'm still feeding on demand too. Isla didn't know night and day when she was little and wouldn't settle until the early hours. Slowly she's getting the idea that when her bedroom light (ikea flower so it glows pink) is on it's bedtime. If the main light is on I chat and make noise around her.

I honestly thought she would never sleep at normal times! But she slept from 1-10 with a 5am feed.
Tegan had night and day the wrong way round for quite a while she's now 9 weeks old and we bath at 7.30 get her dressed then i feed her she is usually asleep in her basket by 9pm then sleeps till between 3-4am or no the odd occasion goes right threw till 6 or 7am in the day she still feeds whenever she wants in the day xx
I fed on demand until my Isla was 7 weeks then started some sort of routine. Bath around 7ish, baby bedtime lotion, feed, I sit her on my lap and have a chat with her. Then normally feed again and she naps for a bit, probably 9-11ish.

I then change, feed and she is generally in bed for 12. It all depends on what we get up to at night, we had guests last night so the routine went out the window and she showered with daddy this morning.

I'm still feeding on demand too. Isla didn't know night and day when she was little and wouldn't settle until the early hours. Slowly she's getting the idea that when her bedroom light (ikea flower so it glows pink) is on it's bedtime. If the main light is on I chat and make noise around her.

I honestly thought she would never sleep at normal times! But she slept from 1-10 with a 5am feed.

Thanks - nice to know my Isla is the same as your Isla! I won't start panicking about our lack of routine just yet!
Tegan had night and day the wrong way round for quite a while she's now 9 weeks old and we bath at 7.30 get her dressed then i feed her she is usually asleep in her basket by 9pm then sleeps till between 3-4am or no the odd occasion goes right threw till 6 or 7am in the day she still feeds whenever she wants in the day xx

Thanks. I'm looking forward to when Isla realises the difference between night and day!
I'm lucky seb recognised night and day almost immediatly. The one thing we do to maintain this is to talk to him during feeds etc during the day keeping the noise level highish and at night I don't speak at all, I offer him eye contact if he looks at me though, and we keep the lighting very low, just enough to see by during the night.
I'm lucky seb recognised night and day almost immediatly. The one thing we do to maintain this is to talk to him during feeds etc during the day keeping the noise level highish and at night I don't speak at all, I offer him eye contact if he looks at me though, and we keep the lighting very low, just enough to see by during the night.

I'll try being noisier during the day!
I do the same as Helen. During the day, I talk to him while feeding, curtains open, lots of noise even when he's napping and he naps downstairs.
Night time, I top and tail him every night around the same time, lights low when feeding upstairs no talking straight into cot and nightshow for him to drift off too.
Charleys known day and night right from the start and is very easy to get back to sleep after night feeds.
my hv recommended steering clear of a routine and to go with the flow for first 3 weeks or so and baby would automatically fall into one. sure enough he has and it works out to 6-7 feeds a day which is wat is recommended. I then lookd at what he was doing naturally and made some set feed / nap times. This is wat he does now:

7am feed then play
9-10 nap
11am feed then play
12-2pm nap
2pm feed
sometimes a small nap here
5pm feed
7pm feed
11pm dream feed
3am feed

and we go again!
its a nice routine because i can change the timing of ever stage if he for eg sleeps longer one morning. not set in stone. sorry no caps typing with one hand!! xx

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