Room for a (not so) little one? - I bring CAKE!!! :)

Little miss pink said:
Hey Debecca :wave: :wave: :wave:

I've just spotted your ticker :shock: :shock: :shock: i cannto beleive you are 38 weeks it only seems like yesterday i was waving bye bye to you in second trimester :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Hows the last trimester been for you! Good i hope!!

Yeah not too bad - especially once I gave up work :cheer:

Don't read my post ont he labour spotting thread though I am having a BAD day today - but generally things have been OK! It's just getting to the stage now where I'm housebound and fed up!!!!!

Great to see you in here :hug:
Hiya chick...welcome over!!

There's lots to look forward to...i don't want to scare you by listing the crap stuff I'll stick to the main one-preparing for and meeting your LO!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Hope you enjoy your time here. xxxx :D
Little miss pink said:
and wowser muppetmummy you remembered me!! I'm impressed!! How've you been keeping :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: i know its really only seem like yesterday since i got my BFP i hope this pregnancy slows down soon its just flying bye!!!


Of course I remember you! :hug: :hug: I often peek in ttc still to see how the others still stuck there are getting on :)

I can't wait to get this baby out now, I feel so uncomfortable when trying to waddle!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Welcome to the land of way too much TMI
a piece of advice, be careful about what threads you read whilst eating... Lol.

But it's great here :) Very exciting! I'm labour sign spotting with 6 weeks to go, hehe, i think i'm just impatient!

P.S lovely cake!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Yay another 2nd Tri er made it over to scary 3rd Tri

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

hello LMP :wave:
warm welcome to tri3 hun :D
love the cake thanks
aww dont be worried your all the closer to meeting you little bundle of joy :cheer: :cheer:
yes i can be a bit scary at times but its all worth it in the end
and everyone is so supportive of each other the lasses in tri3 are 8) so we'll look after you :hug:

sarah :wave: :wave:
I cant believe your in here already :shock: :D and i could really go for a piece of that cake :lol: :D
Hey Jenna Hun!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know its unbelievable isn't it. people around me made pregnancy sound like it went on forever but it actually just flys by! I'm trying to cherish every say because i know it will over very soon.

And how are you doing? I've noticed you don't seem to get on here as much (unless i just keep missing you) . How are things going on the house front?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Yeah im ok, just had the day off because iv got a terrible cold :cry: Other than that im ok. AF arrived a few days ago but im alright about it, found out my cousin is pregnant, theyve been trying for years so im so excited for them :cheer:

Went to sign for the house on monday, unfortunatly the sellers are having some trouble with the house there buying. Depending on what the problem is and wether there going to try and get some money off the house could slow us down so it looks like we'll be living with my parents. Already started an arguement and weve not moved in yet! I dont want to seem like im scrounging off them but they wont take any money except for £50 a week which is nothing :cry:

:hug: I usually come on while im at work but the new office is open plan and every one can see what im doing :x :lol:

It only seems like last week that you got a bfp :shock: Scarey! It wont be long till you'll be poping it out :lol: :hug:
Little miss pink said:
:wave: :wave: :wave:

Fuffins i didn't think i'd make the leap either but i'm tryign to be a brave soldier!! How are you bearing up hun your going through it at the mo arn't you with the whole UTI and BV saga, mind you i'm please to read yuor nipples are trying to keep your mind off it! He HE!!

God had to give me something to laugh at!!lol

My piles are like grapes, so my nipples were the least he could do!! :rotfl:

And yes, you are a brave little soldier :hug: :rotfl:
jenna said:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Yeah im ok, just had the day off because iv got a terrible cold :cry: Other than that im ok. AF arrived a few days ago but im alright about it, found out my cousin is pregnant, theyve been trying for years so im so excited for them :cheer:

Went to sign for the house on monday, unfortunatly the sellers are having some trouble with the house there buying. Depending on what the problem is and wether there going to try and get some money off the house could slow us down so it looks like we'll be living with my parents. Already started an arguement and weve not moved in yet! I dont want to seem like im scrounging off them but they wont take any money except for £50 a week which is nothing :cry:

:hug: I usually come on while im at work but the new office is open plan and every one can see what im doing :x :lol:

It only seems like last week that you got a bfp :shock: Scarey! It wont be long till you'll be poping it out :lol: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Crikey sounds like your having a busy time of it lately. Well i hope the stuff with the house gets sorted for you as stress free as possible.. We're moving in the next week or so too and if we cannot match the dates up of our sale with our purchase we will be moving in with my in laws :shock: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: Just what my pregnancy hormones need! :rotfl:

I'm still always praying for your sticky BFP hun and try and keep track of what your up too.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Always your stalker :D


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