Roller-coaster weekend


Mar 10, 2011
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Hi Ladies, thought I would write on here to try and clear my head as it has been one up and down weekend. Me and hubby are trying for baby number 3 and after just 2 months I was informed by the doctor I was in the club. However for some reason I was happy but something did not feel right. We did not tell anyone. Saturday I started to bleed slightly, spoke to doctor who advised it could be many things and not to worry. However by Sunday the bleeding was very heavy and this morning I woke to find a giant clot on my pad. Although I knew I was loosing it I was hanging on to hope that everything would be ok. Has really hit me today though and just want to curl up on my own in a room somewhere. However have to try and carry on as have a 6 and 3 year old to look after and dont want to tell anyone else whats going on. Trying to hold it together and be brave but struggling. Have doctors appointment this afternoon so see what they say. Both previous pregnancies were normal and cant help thinking what did I do wrong this time, we want a baby soooo much. I know im not the first and wont be the last woman to go though this but can't believe how empty I feel, even though I only had a couple of days to get used to the idea of being pregnant :(
I'm so sorry for your loss.
But think of it as this: You have two children already, therefore it's very likely for it to happen again.
Maybe this time wasn't meant to be, but hold on in there. You're not alone, many girls here will tell you that.
Good luck with TTC and I really hope next time is your time.

Don't be hard on yourself, your little bean just wasn't meant to be. xxx
I am so sorry for your loss hunny.
I was thinking the same thoughts as you in November, when we lost our second, i had one healthy little boy, what have i done this time round but noone could give me a definate answer. All i can advice is to take it easy and look after yourself. It will happen again when the times right. Thinking of you hunny x x

Sorry for your loss hun x wen ur ready to try again I'm hoping and praying for a sticky bean for you x and for everyone in this forum xx
so sorry to hear this!! as Tiff said.. it just wasnt ment to be
it will happen.. and fx its very soon!!
good luck x x
Thank you ladies, going to hospital tomorrow for a scan to check all is ok. Can then begin to move on and think of the future. Have to keep thinking that things could of been a lot worse, could of happened in 6 months time!! And taking one positive from this experience is that I got pregnant in the first place, was expecting it to take a lot longer. Thanks for your support and good luck to everyone else who is trying again xx
sorry for your loss hun, i'm sure it was nothing you did wrong. xxxx

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