right girlies' need your help!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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i am off to a party on Saturday with DF and last night went to my 2nd home (Meadowhall) :lol: i bought ....

a short denim skirt
black tights/legging thingys
black t-shirt long
silver earrings and silver necklace


some black knee high boots BUT now i am unsure as to whether they will look right, i see lots of people wearing skirts with those short ankle boots so dont know whether i will look daft?!? my DF mum (who i went shoppin' with!) said they look nice but im unsure -

HELP :think:
i cant get on them while at work coz we have this 'access denied' stupid thing on - im panaking now - i cant see them!!

please describe them to me - im in the middle of town (where i work!) and there is a new look, dorothy perkins, primark near me - dont wanna pay too much
I think you should wear shoes rather than boots, if you prefer the boots then youd be better wearing tights instead, hope you have a great time xkelx
Skirt and leggings I'd wear shoes too.
Skirt and tights would be neat with boots!!

Save shoe money, spend a pound or two on a pair of tights!! :lol:
Ooo, I loved Meadowhall when i lived in sheffield (for one and a half months, lol) Its so nice there ^_^
there not leggings - i shouldnt have really put that - they are just like thick-ish black tights - so high boots you think?!?
I think you'll be fine with your boots if you have thick-ish tight thingys!! Clothes are sooo hard to describe sometimes!! :lol:
yeah if there tighst wiv feet id wear the boots then, i was thinking leggings like cut off at the foot then the shoes would have looked better XkelX
no they are footed tights - just black.

are you sure knee high boots would look better

god i hate shopping for an outfit LOL
Footed tight look better in boots, instead of goin out buyin boots you can get lovely cut off tights and wear them with shoes but if your splashin out then id get the boots xkelx

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