need you help ladies!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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right - Saturday night we are going to a party - bought an outfit im sorted!! then DF decides to tell me that we are also going to a wedding 'doo' Saturday around 3pm-5pm!!! now i hvent got a CLUE what to wear - i dont know whether to look smart or what?! the outfit i have got for the night is - denim skirt, black tights, black boots, black ruffle neck top - but i cant possibly wear that for a wedding - im trying to persuade my mate to come to M'Hall with me tonight so any ideas ladies?? i havent got that much money and please dont say wear a dress coz i hate wearing them!!

help :roll:
Just get a pair of smart trousers to go with your top and boots hun. Go for grey or beige ones so you aren't all dressed in black. You can get some nice ones in Next for about £23.
you mean grey trousers!?

yeah that sounds nice actually - might have to have a look - what kind of belt could i wear though?? (always have to wear belt bcoz i hate my tummy!) a black one? :think:
y ot get sum black dress trousers with your boots and maybe a fitted shirt xx
right well iv decided that im not going to the wedding now and DF can go on his own :lol: i do not see the point in having to spend MORE money, buying a new outfit, then buying drinks when i get there, when i dont even know the couple who have got married!!! and we are only staying for 2 hours max - so im not gonna bother - would rather just spend that two hours slobbing in front of the TV before i have to get ready for my party in the night :D
Good for you chick, you can use them 2 hours dolling yourself up and having a few pre-party drinks :dance:

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