Rhesus negative


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Well as some of you may already know I had a huge needle phobia and about 2 weeks ago I finally got my blood taken and I was made up I had done it, well I got a letter back telling me I am rhesus negative and that I need more needles to inject anti-bodies.

I dont really understand what it all means though, can anybody help elaborate please? Thanks :D
I am O neg and I have had the anti D at 20 weeks then I had it at 28 weeks, you may need another after you have given birth too, to prevent your next baby being a blue baby ( getting a blood transfusion )

It's to prevent your anti bodys from harming the baby, my OH is B+ so theres a chance she is too which means my O Neg anti bodys will attack her red blood cells thinking that its harmfull to me. Thats very breif to what I have been told.

Don't worry they arnt too bad :? I'm not keen on injections either but it has to be done hunny :)
Hi hun i am also rh negative,i had anti d injections at 28 and 34 weeks and will also have one after the birth if baby doesn't have my blood group,you will be fine hun :hug: xx
Im O- too, the anti D injections are nothing to worry about honestly hun. Just tell yourself its whats best for baby and it needs to be done.


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