review at work


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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I work for Nandos as a buddy trainer which means i work and trains others on hosting, tills, cooking, waitressing and food health and safety. This means i soend all day on my feet running around like a madwoman and i work about 40 hours a week.

I had to sit down for a review yesterday and they told me that the last few weeks my standard fo work has dropped! I feel really let down by them because theyve known from day 1 that im pregnant and stuggle with the long hours on my feet, which is why im not as fast and efficient as i was before.

Ive said im going to slightly reduce my hours to see if that helps but i feel like its not fair that im getting reviewed for not being good enough when im pregnant and stuggling! :eh:

phew.... rant over!! lol
That's terrible Cherelle. Do you have an HR dept that you can speak to? As that sounds so out of order! I sit all day but have been told if I need extra breaks I can. Defo speak to HR or someone higher up. That's not fair xx
I work in HR and that isn't on.

You should have had a Mother to Be Risk assessment and they really need to be going out of their way to accommodate you and your needs, not applying more pressure. Cheeky friggs.

I would definitley get in touch with your HR department and see if you can raise your concerns with an employee relations officer.

Hope it gets easier for you because on their head be it if you fall ill due tho them!
you poor thing. i dont know how you do it! i sit all day at my desk and find i get really tired! hope you manage to speak to someone and sort it out as its not fair of them to do that! x
Awww that's crap Hun. I can't really add anymore than the other girls have said. Hope you get this sorted *hugs*

X x x x

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That's well out of order! They should be looking out for you not piling on criticism and pressure - you're pregnant, of course you need to slow down a bit! x
Aww hun, u do need to speak to someone about that, they aren't being very fair on you!
They cannot penalise or chastise you for being pregnant. Altho pregnancy is not a disability it is extremely tiring.
You need to take it up with HR asap. The need to do.a pregnancy risk assessment. If for any reason they try to give u hell, you can either go to the CAB or take it to the tribunal.
If they were not aware if ur pregnancy that would be understandable but they are..... Do not let them stress you out.
They should be a tad bit more empathetic.

Fingers crossed xxx
Hi hun,

I work 40 hour weeks as a Nursing Sister and I rarely get sit down breaks, Im always on my feet! I actually keeled over at work last Monday, ended up in A&E and was sent home from work, with a weeks bed rest. I blame myself for this, as I really have been trying to continue as normal, and somedays dont drink enough and rarely go to the loo.

My boss and team have been fantastic and Im due my Pregnancy risk assessment soon. Im being checked on allll the time, and force fed water!

You need to really chase this up with HR and get a risk assessment done, and get some support. Your management should not be treating you like this and you should let your HR know exactly what was said. Was this a formal appraisal, or were you just pulled to one side? If it was formal you can get a copy of the paperwork for your own records.

What a bunch of k***'s!

Look after yourself, your carrying a very precious cargo! xx
This is shocking Cherelle. Others are right, your employer should be looking for ways to ease your workload. I told my boss yesterday and she's already offering to swap my duties around. You could get some advice from citizens advice on what you can reasonably expect from your employer. They are lucky you're not milking it and having loads of paid time off. (could always be a back-up plan!) Good luck with it Hun.xx
thanks everyone.

They have actually done a risk assessment but it wasnt very good, basically just said i cant do heavy lifting anymore and no using strong chemicals. I wish there was someone at work who had been pregnant before but there isnt so nobody really understands although my collegues (who arent management) have been brilliant.

It wasnt a formal warning - they said they are going to follow it up though so if it does come to anything formal then i will definately complain to HR - and in the meantime im not going to run around 24/7 killing myself!

Its nice to hear everyone thinks its as out of order as i did! x

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