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Very sorry for your loss Blisa but it gives you no right to jump on someone and attack them for asking a genuine question. You reduced me to tears for the whole day yesterday. I may not know if people have had a pregnancy loss and you don't know what other people are dealing with. Go back and re read what you wrote. Selina didn't seem too upset with it and given time to reply I would have apologised for her loss also. You jumped on and started stirring the pot aiming a dig at 'these users' who seemingly in your eyes set out to do this lady harm, in turn causing more upset to Selina now to the ooint where she feels she can't even as a reasonable question. Therefore you have not only spoilt your own experience on this wonderful forum but two other users too, and perhaps countless more. I agree my message may have been a tad a harsh but as soon as I saw what you had written about me (yes it was personal and yes it was a form of attack) I saw red and in a blind rage messaged you.

I am just so very thankful for the support I've had from the decent ladies on here and my family I was able to deal with it. So being the bigger woman I apologise for any hurt I caused you with that ONE message. And I forgive you for ALL your horrific comments you made about me and my one question, to be honest I feel a little sorry for you.

Wishing you all the best
Ok well thank you, I am not going to argue anymore I've apologised to Selina also. I don't know how to edit my posts or delete them either so this is why they are multiple. I'll say no more; and wish you all the best too, I should've thought instead of jumping in I do realise that. Thanks
Can someone please instruct me on how delete my account? I really can't find how to do it. Thank you

I think if you want an account closed, you need to pm a moderator to do it for you.

I'm going to add my final two pence worth and then leave it as I'm not sure if I'm helping or not?

Blisa, I do feel that your response to Sarah was a bit harsh but it doesn't deserve all this backlash. Sarah, I know that it upset you but sending messages like that (although I suspect done in the heat of anger) is really not nice and I don't see how you can sit and say how you were attacked when sending messages like thst- it's just the same!

I think the whole situation has blown up out of proportion and everyone is feeling a bit fragile as we go through our own personal journey.

You will both find a lot of support on this forum, of that there is no doubt. However, there will always be people that you don't agree with or say things you don't like. Just read and move on if you don't like it. Just don't speak to each other if you can't get along, or both apologise for your part in it and have done with it.

If either of you does choose to leave, then that's down to you. I won't beg you to stay , it's your choice. The forum will continue with its support, arguments, celebrations and grief regardless.

Hope you guys can sort it or at least agree to disagree!

Oh, looks like you two were way ahead of me! Lol!!

Emily0505 :lol: having a sleep on it all has cleared me up a bit. Just glad the dramas can be done with now. Thank you.
Hi Emily, yes you are 100% right if I hadn't liked Sarah's comment it wasn't my place to say, should've been the bigger person. So now we can all focus on our being pregnant and trying not to spew all over the car while driving or cry for 40 hours because I dropped a spoon out of my cereal (yes very hormonal and sick haha!) Dramas! Thank you, all the best! X
Yes, let's all just put the whole thing behind us and move on. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. I hope neither of you ladies leave the forum because of this. The good here by far outweighs any bad that might have happened. Look at it like this, considering that most of us here are all hormonal pregnant women, or women who are frustrated about TTC, I think it's pretty good that something like this doesn't happen often at all! :hug::friends: Just breathe and say it's all going to be okay. :)
The situation blew over fairly quickly and members could move on easily however you decided to open a new thread to flame/troll a situation/target a specific member.

  1. Rudeness, flaming or trolling is not tolerated on, or about the Web Site, or its members. Any member who is intentionally disruptive may have their account restricted or banned without warning.
  2. Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.

Please take note of these forum rules for future reference.
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