relactation/ restarting bf??


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Baby is four weeks and I breastfed for like a day. Now I'm starting to worry that I will really regret stopping and that I didn't try hard enough.

Just wanted to hear from anyone who managed to restart breastfeeding and how you go about it. I still seem to have a little milk. Should I just express as much as I can. Should I try to attach him? Where can i get support? Just how dedicated do you have to be to achieve this?

All info welcome

Its going to take alot of effort to increase the supply again and get baby to latch properly after bottles but it's doable. If I were you I would express say every 2 hours to begin with & give it to your baby with their usual formula feeds for now.

If this is definitely something you want to do then give it a go, but please don't feel guilty about your decision to stop bf.

I'm sure there's better ppl on here to help you out. With DD I struggled to bf and gave her some bottles so I regularly had to try and stop them to build up my milk supply again.
Not sure if it's possible - although i've never looked into it...

However, in order to increase your supply, you can take Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle or Fennel Tea. Also eating porridge oats is meant to help. Porridge for breakfast, flapjack for snacks.

Have as much skin to skin time with baby as possible, when pumping, look at pic of baby or have recording of your baby crying to stimulate milk production. Put baby to breast as much as possible.

I would highly recommend you contact your local BF support group or a lactation specialist as they will be able to offer more support.

Good luck xx
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I have no idea about this hun, but wanted to wish you good luck and hope it works out for you x x
This is brilliant! Good on you.

I would definitely go with what Tasha said and recommend seeing your local breastfeeding team.

I know it's different everywhere but here in Sefton the group is called Breast start just to give you an example. They don't have a website so you only get to hear about it through word of mouth or via the local children's centre. If you lived here for example and wanted to restart they would lend you the super duper Medela double pump for a few months. Yhey'd visit you in your home, give you LOADS of support (and supplies). I go to the local Childrens centre to the breastfeeding drop in group every week - it's brilliant. Between us all we've been given breast pads, breast pumps (handheld Medela to keep!), Calma Medela bottles, nursing bras, etc. They have been amazing and so generous.

I would start asap and by ringing your local children's centre so they can point you towards your breastfeeding team.

Good luck! I think you're fab doing this xxx
I have read that you can start again up to 6 weeks after so give it a go! x
Thanks to everyone for the encouragement!!! I did try expressing and latching for a few days. Expressing went not too bad but Fraser has definately lost it with latching on. I have stopped again as I wasn't able to devote enough time to expressing. I'm glad I considered it though (I'd have regretted not trying) and bonus was Fraser did get a little EBM alongside his formula. Just wanted to let you know how I'd got on xx

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