registering babies


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i thought i'd post here more likely 2 get a reply...

i thought when jayceesmumma did a poll about registering elyssas surname, she's like 3 weeks old now isnt she?

just wondering when ppl normally register their babies, coz i thought it was on the day of their birth!

its only because our daughter will take my boyfs surname but he's changing it by deed poll but he doesnt wanna sign until he's got his new job (if he gets it hopefully!) in case the position gets lost because the applicant "doesnt exist" anymore. can we leave it a few weeks then? we should kno about the job by then.

if the baby DOES need registering on the day, would he hav to sign the deed poll str8 away in order to name the baby that name? or can she be named his new name even b4 he changes it?

hope someone can help.
42 days rings a bell for some reason.. but I'll have another look online.. ... sterbirth/

How do I register my baby's birth?

The BabyCentre Editorial Team answers:

The registration of births in the UK is overseen by the General Register Office (GRO). All births in England and Wales must be registered within 42 days (six weeks) of the date of birth.

You can go to any register office, though things will take a few days longer if the one you go to is in a different district to where your baby was born. This is because the registrar will need to forward your information to the district where your baby was born in order for the registration to take place, and it is from here that the birth certificate will be sent to you.

Addresses and phone numbers for local register offices can be found in you local area phone book or visit the the website of your county council or London or Metropolitan borough.

Either parent can register the birth if you were married at the time of the birth or conception. If you were not married, but you would like the father's details to be entered in the register, then you will either both have to go and sign the birth register together, or if one of you cannot attend, then the other one must show the registrar a statutory declaration acknowledging the father's paternity (the form can be obtained from any registrar). For further details please have a look at the General Register Office website.

When you actually register your baby's birth, you will need to inform the registrar of your baby's date and place of birth (and the time of birth if you had twins or triplets), his or her sex, and their full name, as well as your own details. You must be absolutely sure that the information recorded in the birth register is correct before you sign it as it can be difficult to change.

There are two types of birth certificate, the short version which contains only your baby's details, and the full version which also contains all of your details. Once you have registered the birth, your baby will be issued with a short birth certificate which is free of charge. You may buy further copies, as well as full versions, at any time.

Further information is available from the main General Register Office on 0151 471 4805. If you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland you should visit the websites of either the GRO in Scotland or the GRO in Northern Ireland for further information on how to go about registering your baby's birth. It is also possible to register British subjects abroad in certain countries. This is done by the British Embassy or High Commission. For details contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Consular Devision, on 020 7008 0186.
Trixi - I'm pretty sure it's 6 weeks in England - here in Scotland you only get 3 weeks so I'd better remember!

Valentine xxx
Yeah its 6 weeks in England ,ireland and wales but only 3 weeks in scotland.
We didnt name Evie until the day before the cut off point so she was just known as 'baby' until then :oops:
i think it has to be within six weeks of the birth. i think we waited 4 weeks as ema was in scbu
valentine said:
Trixi - I'm pretty sure it's 6 weeks in England - here in Scotland you only get 3 weeks so I'd better remember!

Valentine xxx

I didn't know it was just 3 weeks in Scotland....I'll have to remind you!! :wink: DH seems to think (depending on the time of course) he'll be straight down to register our LO the day he's born. We shall see but looking at the birth certificates for my step-children they are all registered on the day they were born... :D
Day of birth??? You'll still be high as a kite on pethidene/gas & air. We did eefie at about 4 weeks
i registered braydon at 10 days old

he cried the whole time we were there :rotfl: :rotfl:
I had my baby on the 30th of April and when I phoned up to make an appointment to register him, I was told that there is a nationwide backlog and the soonest appointment was 9 weeks after his birth so I won't be able to register him until the end of June (apparently all the agencies know about this so you won't get into trouble if you can't register your baby in the normal allowable time slot, which I think is 42 days). Therefore, if you can register your baby at the hospital I would recommend it as you can only get child benefit and get your child trust fund voucher once they are registered although it may not be that bad where you live (I live in London).
We had to make and appointment to go to registry office was about 2 weeks after his birth ...If your not married your partner has to go to to put his name on birth certifiacte.
Dinski said:
I had my baby on the 30th of April and when I phoned up to make an appointment to register him, I was told that there is a nationwide backlog and the soonest appointment was 9 weeks after his birth so I won't be able to register him until the end of June (apparently all the agencies know about this so you won't get into trouble if you can't register your baby in the normal allowable time slot, which I think is 42 days). Therefore, if you can register your baby at the hospital I would recommend it as you can only get child benefit and get your child trust fund voucher once they are registered although it may not be that bad where you live (I live in London).
:shock: do u hav 2 make an appointment?
yeah you have to ring and make an appointment i had to wait 4 days we got Keeley registered on the 19th of september... she slept thru it all :lol:
Princess_Puddles said:
What happens if you dont register you baby within the required time?

I asked the HV this and she told us that you get fined, not sure how much though. I think its because they then have to do extra paperwork to as the baby is classed as missed registration or something :think: ?

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