birth certificates


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2011
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Not sure whether anyone can help but thought I would ask!

I stiill use my ex-husband's surname - mainly because when we divorced I couldn't be bothered to go through all the rigmarole of changing back to my maiden name.

My baby will take my fiance's surname and this is what will be on his birth certificate; however, I really don't want the "mother's name" section to show my surname as it currently (legally) stands, but neither do I want to change by deed poll to my maiden name before he's born as we will be getting married soon and I'll have to go all through the process of changing everything twice in short succession.

I don't know what to do. Can I use my maiden name (which is obviously the same as that on my own birth records) even though I'm not legally known by it?

Can anyone advise? Please?
Change to your fiances surname by deed poll now? It's going to be your name soon anyway and you can do it all online x
My mum changed my name from my dads surname to hers as a birthday present bk in 2007 as I didnt want to be known by my dads surname as he was never around!! maybe an option?
You don't need to change your name by deed poll to go back to your maiden name. All you need to do is write a letter enclosing your birth certificate/ divorce paperwork to the passport agency saying that you are divorced and will from now on be known by your maiden name, they will issue you a new passport (this does cost but not much) and then you have id in your maiden name and you can change everything else over using the same - that is how I did it - that way when you re marry you can use your maiden name again in your vows. I expect you could get away with just changing your driving licence, car insurance/ registration doc's and bank details if you are getting remarried soon. I have to be honest and say that some of my utilities (sky etc) are still in my old married name, a few are still in my maiden name but most are now in my new married name. We are planning on moving soon and at that point I will cancel all my old utility bills and get new ones in my married name. I have been re married for 3 years!!
Hi Rachel

How strange, I am in the exact same situation but hadn't given baby's birth certificate any thought! Thanks for posting, I'll have to have a think about that one too! X
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Seeing as were on brith certificates, i know its early and so far the babys father hasnt had any input or contact but i really want him on the birth certificate asi dont want the baby to think his/her father is unknown... Is thsis something i can do on my own or does he have to be there x
Hi Loula, my understanding is:

- if the mother and father are married, either can register the birth and name both parents without the other one needing to be there;

- if unmarried, only the mother can register the birth and the father needs to be there if you're wanting to put his name on.

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