Is it right for different surnames?

lozzijane said:
i wud give her u surname. if u wer to get married then elyssa's surname caan change to his.

he automatically gets parental responsibility in signing the birth certificate

The fathers don't have any parental responsibility unless you are married or unless he goes to court to get it. Whether or not they have signed the birth certificate.
skairdykat said:
lozzijane said:
i wud give her u surname. if u wer to get married then elyssa's surname caan change to his.

he automatically gets parental responsibility in signing the birth certificate

The fathers don't have any parental responsibility unless you are married or unless he goes to court to get it. Whether or not they have signed the birth certificate.

lozzi's right as soon as the father signs the birth certificate he gets parental responsibility

i am currently going thru the courts and have been told this from the CAB and solictors
nic & keeley said:
skairdykat said:
lozzijane said:
i wud give her u surname. if u wer to get married then elyssa's surname caan change to his.

he automatically gets parental responsibility in signing the birth certificate

The fathers don't have any parental responsibility unless you are married or unless he goes to court to get it. Whether or not they have signed the birth certificate.

lozzi's right as soon as the father signs the birth certificate he gets parental responsibility

i am currently going thru the courts and have been told this from the CAB and solictors

Ah right sorry didn't know the law had changed in 2001. I was just going off when me and Macaulays dad split up and he had to go to court to get parental responsibilities because we weren't married. That was in 1999 though. i don't know why he went to all the trouble though cause he'snot seen him in over 4 yrs :roll:
I wish the law hadn't of changed as i feel some men or rather boys need to earn parental reponsilbilty :x (or mayb thats just my ex :lol:)
I think it is nice for your LO's to have the same surname. If you are planning on getting married at some point then it will save changing it by deed poll also.

I would use may be strange that they have different names ,It seems he doesn't cre much about your feelings Like others say it sounds easier to change to his name later rather that chnging to to yours if thats what you want to do later.

let us know what is decided
nic & keeley said:
I wish the law hadn't of changed as i feel some men or rather boys need to earn parental reponsilbilty :x (or mayb thats just my ex :lol:)
completly agree its loverly for dad who care bout kids but not our wonderful (one word for them ) ex's
i would give her your OH s last name, so the 2 girls have the same surname.
all 3 of mine have Richs last name ( we are married now though) & wether or not we'd split, then i'd had the baby, it still would have been his surname. :D
twitch said:
You can change it online without needing a lawyer it cost £30 when I changed mine, and it's fully legal.

i think its different when you are changin a childs tho, its got really complicated with both parents needing to giv consent.

i agree with the comment about parental responsibility and some dads not being mature enough but it was a good move for those dads who mature enough to have responsibility but relationships break up and they are then denied any parental rights.

i would go with what your heart tells you hun, your children will understand when they are older. it is your decision entirely and i hope you are happy with what you decide.

I STILL havent got her registered!! :oops: I dont know what to do, everyone has a good and valid point, which that is why its so hard to decide!! Ive made an appointment tho today.. wed 20th at 3:30 (had to wait a week coz they were fully booked)
Ive been trying to get him to agree to Thornley-Miles as it seems the only way to win both ways..but he HATES double-barrel names :wall: He's coming with me to sign the certificate, so we have to agree. He says if i change Jaycees surname to mine he will go mad and hurt me :(
He's so confusing, one day he's all ''im the daddy'' the next he's ''i wanna be on my own, i never asked for the kids, u wanted them, id rather spend MY money on myself'' :x :evil:
Total twat.
Keep telling him i dont want to be with him but it doesnt register with him! He refuses to accept it! He lives in his own little world where he can do no wrong! Keeps contradicting himself with what he wants from life.. a family with me or a piss-up with his mates!
Sorry for rambling :oops: just a bit messed up at the moment..
Defo ur name...

and if i was u id tell him to drop dead.....

how DARE he threaten the mother of his children.
kimheath said:
twitch said:
You can change it online without needing a lawyer it cost £30 when I changed mine, and it's fully legal.

i think its different when you are changin a childs tho, its got really complicated with both parents needing to giv consent.

I depends on if you both have parental rights, I changed ethan's (via the internet) when he was 4 1/2 from Taylor-sims to Moore, I didn't need Ethans dad's permission as I have sole responsibility. Although even if you have sole responsibility if the father finds out it's been changed they can go to court to get it changed back.
But the courts take into account the quality of of the relationship between the father and child before making a desision, so if the father sees the child on a regular basis then it'll most likely get changed back, if however the father does not have a good quality relationship (paying maintenace doesn't count) with the child his court appeal will most likely fail.

But as already pointed out a new law was brought in in 2001 that ment all men that became fathers after that year automatically got shared parental rights upon signing the birth certificate.

OMG he threatened you :x Has he hurt you before hun? :hug:

When the baby is born, Kieran will ahev a different name to me, my Oh and baby, because we asked him and he said he doesn't want to change it, so I thought fair enough. But if when he's older he decides he wants to change it, I will oblige, so my opinion is go with yours especially if he's being a pr*ck.

Hope you get it sorted hun xxx
I hun, haven't been on her in a long whle but am just catching up on posts, i know how you're feeling chick i'm in a right mess at the minute.

I emigrated to Oz with my partner and my daughter was born out there, all through the pregnancy his mates and rugby came first the fact i had an awful pregnancy didn't matter then Abi was prem and i was really poorly and he hardly came to the hospital to see us, when she was born he told me she could have my surname and i said no she can have yours WORST mistake i made, we decided to come back from Oz as i didn't settle, 6 months later we split up - all his doing. anyway since Nov he has seen Abi 3 times for a total of 7 hours i'm torn now between her having his name or mine, i want her to have the same name as me but feel that changing her name is changing her identity probably sounds stupid to some of you, anyway i have looked into changing her name and the options are
1) solicitor and courts but this will only be done if the father doesn't play a part in the childs life

2) deed pole have look on the net you need babys father to sign though.

3) Can use both surnames without the barrel the first surname then becomes a middle name for example my name is Amanda Jayne Roberts if i changed it, it would become Amanda Jayne Roberts chappelow (jayne and Roberts being middle names)

4) Anybody can change their name as long as it is not to defraud of decieve anyone, i found that on citizens advice site, basically you just start using the other name.

If he's threatend to hurt you all i can say is get you and your babies away from him you deserve better and you owe it to your kids to protect them don't become another statistic for domestic abuse.

Sorry it's so long hope it helps chick, i'm still thinking :(
You seriously cant give ur girls his name, it doesnt sound like u want to be with him so when it does finally get thro to him they will be stuck with his name for a long time, and it doesnt sound like he's earned that right.

My advice would be firstly- leave him for threatening u, amongst other things, then change Jaycees name back to urs and register ur LO with ur name too.
so glad you have bought this up as ive ben thinkin the same recently since i found out i was pregnant again and i broke up witht the girls dad
the girls have both got their dad's surname but as i aint with him no more i was wondering weather or not 2 give the new baby my surname
but then i thought it would be wrong cause his/her sisters will have differnt name to buba even thoght they have the same parents
:evil: :evil: :evil:
let me no what you decide 2 do hun might help me :D
x sophie x
hun id go with your name
if he has threatend to hurt you, inform the police!

me and my ex were still together when we got emily registered (infact we slipt up straight after :rotfl: )
and we had mine and his double barrell but its stupid because its long (holdsworth hayden)
ive decided that im using holdsworth (my name) as her surname but have to put holdsworth hayden on anything official!

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