refusal of being induced?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Im really against being induced unless baby needs to be

I believe you can refuse to be induced unless there is signs that you need to be by them checking your amunotic fluid but i was just wondering if anybody knows how they get the amunotic fluid to check it?

and if anybody has been through this? thanks :)
i assume thesame way it comes out :)

i would be suprised if this didn't trigger labor.

i not 100% of the other girls may know.
Hey keira
i don't really know much about the subject but this is a quote i found on refusal of induction:

The UK's National Institute of Clinical Excellence and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists offer this information to pregnant women and their families [3]:

If your pregnancy is more than 41 weeks:

Even if you have had a healthy trouble free pregnancy, you should be offered induction of labour after 41 weeks because from this stage the risk of your baby developing health problems increases. An induction because you are overdue does not increase the chance of you needing a caesarean section.

If you choose not to be induced at this stage then from 42 weeks you should be offered:

*Twice weekly checks of your baby's heartbeat using a piece of equipment called an electronic fetal heart rate monitor.
*A single ultrasound test to check the depth of amniotic fluid (or "waters") surrounding your baby.
An ultrasound scan in early pregnancy (before 20 weeks) can help to determine your baby's due date more accurately. This reduces your chances of unnecessary induction.

Hope this helps a little :D
i refused induction with nathan. my midwife fully supported my decision she discussed my case with a consultant and they decided that i should be scanned at 42 weeks to assess the baby placenta and fluid if i had not gone into labour and go from there. i never got this far as he came at 40+12 the day i would have been induced if i had agreed.
i have said this before but i know that if i had been induced i would not have had him naturally, he turned just before labour into the back to back position which i truly believe he done for a reason. i also had meconium- probably due to a mature bowel as he was post dates- so if i had of been induced and they had broke my waters they would have been a bit over anxious i feel.
dont let anyone scare you with figures about stillbirth either-like a friend of mine did. yes the risk does double but from like 1 in 5000 to 2 in 5000 or something along those lines. im pretty sure that in france they class a normal gestation as 41 weeks not 40 like the uk.
Do what ever you feel best hun, at the end of the day its your body and your body and your choice. The midwife/health professionals will tell you if your putting your baby at risk at any stage, and they should support you entirely :hug:

Very best of luck :hug:
Thanks for the info :D

I went for my midwife appointment today and the midwife gave me an internal and Im 1cm dialated but the cervix hasnt fully softened but its on its way.

She gave me a date for induction which at first was the 25th and I asked if it could be left longer because I am terrified at the thought of induction so she said she would leave it untill the 26th because apparently they dont like inducing women over the weekend.

So I am praying I go before then because I really dont want to be induced :(
after having a stillbirth and looking into the many things that cause stillbirth i have met a lot of women who given the chance of induction would opt for it over a stillbirth 18 babys a day are stillborn in the uk alone and many of them are to women who were overdue
i dont want to frighten anyone but i used to think still birth was something that happened to other women and there were so few it couldnt possibly happen to me yet i now visit my babys grave every week instead of rocking him to sleep
my advice to anyone carrying a baby dont take any risks at all
inductions are done for a reason and it could mean life or death for your baby xxxxxxx
ive found an interesting website about induction its i found the comments stillbirth statistics particualy interesting. it cracks me up how much things are warped in order to make an intersting statement.
Keira said:
Im really against being induced unless baby needs to be

I believe you can refuse to be induced unless there is signs that you need to be by them checking your amunotic fluid but i was just wondering if anybody knows how they get the amunotic fluid to check it?

and if anybody has been through this? thanks :)

if you get to 42 weeks and refuse to be induced they will ask you to go in on a daily basis dfor the baby to be monitored. if the baby seems in distress they will suggest induction.
No one can forse you to do anything you don't want to do. however you have to realise that in everyday you are late the placenta is weakening and so is the baby. The placenta has to be fit and capable of getting the baby throuhg the trauma of labour. If you leave it too long you will be risking your babys life as well as the health of yourself too.

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