Being Induced???


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Can any one help me?

Ive been told that i will be getting induced if my next growth scan shows Little man isnt growing as fast as he was just wondering how will they go about starting me off, surely they cant give me a sweep as im to early? so how does being induced work? just so i have a idea of what is likely to come!

Any information will be helpful..

I've not had it done but think they put a hormone pessary inside you and on a hormone drip too.... It can either start right away or can take days and days. My advice is just make sure you get plenty of sleep before your next scan. When is your next scan?? You're 35 weeks and that's not that far from term at 37...oooohhhh how exciting!! How do you feel??
My next scan is on friday the 22nd.. so in 11days.. so i will be 36+4 at my scan.. so most likely will be 37wks by the time im told to come in and by the time it works..

Im ok, pleased that i will be alot closer to my due date but still worried a little bit as he is small, dont want him to get poorly! FX he wont, brooke was born at 33wks + 4 and she was super healthy so hopefully little man will be aswell, ive had my steroid injections so thats a bonus!

But this is only if the scan shows he has made little progress with his growth again!
I was induced and they gave me the 24 hour pessary, then after the 24 hours was up they broke my waters then put me on the drip. The contractions started as soon as my waters had been broken. I was only just 1cm dilated when they broke my waters but after that I progressed quite quickly and went from 3-4cms to 9cms in 30 minutes! My waters were broken at 7pm on the Sunday and I had Jake at 3.44am on the Monday morning.
I was induced by having some kind of gel put on my cervix with a syringe. They might give you a sweep. The gel is a bit stingy, but I think thats how it works, by irritating your cervix to make you go into labour. They wait 12 hours and you can keep having more doses until it works. They put you on a monitor a lot to make sure theyre not overstimulating your uterus.

If that doesnt work they can put you on a drip which pumps a hormone into you which makes you contract, but it does make the contractions more intense and painful that normal labour so they recommend an epidural if you have the drip. They can break your waters instead of using the drip which makes some womens labour progress.

My advice would be to have lots of sex between now and your next scan cos it really gets your cervix ready for labour :lol:

hope that helps :flower: its the unknown thats more scary than anything isnt it.
I was induced but it was rushed, and I was prepped for c-section at the same time (baby's heart had stopped beating) they broke my waters manually (with a stick type thing), then put a drip of some kind in (sorry I cant remember the exact terms, feels like a life-time ago)

Being induced is a worse labour, and more often than not woman ends up getting epidural, due to worse contractions. BUT in saying that, even though it will be more intense, it should probably be a shorter birth. I was just under 11 hours from first getting waters broke.

I've got nothing to compare my labour to as Jake is my first baby, but I must say I found the pain excrutiating. I had an epidural but it didn't work, plus I was pushing for nearly 3 hours. In the end I had ventouse to deliver Jake. It has honestly put me off ever going through labour again so it looks as though Jake will be my one and only.
:hug: roo its so awful when youve had a difficult labour. I honestly felt the same, that I wouldnt ever want to do that ever again. Even when LO was 3 months old I was so certain I think I wouldve signed consent to be sterilised. Everyone tells you, that it was a successful labour cos you and LO are alive but its not like that, when youve had a hard time, it seriously affects you. We're coming up to my LO first birthday and Im feeling a lot better, if you ever want to talk please PM me, or just start a thread on here, I did, and the girls were so fantastic and supportive, Im sure its one one of the things that made me better :hug:
Thanks girls, i see that there are many ways in which you can be induced...

My OH eyes lit up when i said about the sex tiny..hehe :)

well my 1st labour was really easy and only lasted 5 -1/2 hours, not that this one will be the same but hopefully it works quickly, i had a seriously numb bum from sitting on the bed for a hour today just being monitored, hopefully the beds will be more comfy in labour and delivery (i hope). xx
I'm glad you posted this Kelly as I have to be induced too and had no idea about it! My next growth scan is 27th July and I'll possibly be induced a week later. Hope all goes well for you and I will be keeping an eye on this thread xx
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Im hoping that it wont come to being induced, but just wanted to know what happens etc.. just in case! :)

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