Reflux - 10 month old


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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I'm assuming babies, like adults can have random bouts of reflux right? My daughter had reflux as a newborn baby but it resolved itself after a couple of months of gaviscon. However, over the past week I have noticed a return of wet burps (followed by swallowing) and the odd little sicky - nothing major just little spurts.

I don't want to rush her to the doctors just yet as overall she seems okay and not in too much discomfort. Plus, I sort of hope it'll just go away as quickly as it came back? Her diet hasn't changed.

I have noticed that she hates nappy changes even more so at the moment, I had brushed it off as just her being a nuisance but thinking maybe it's all related and she isn't happy on her back because of the reflux?

My lo has very sicky phases (to the point where he was on completely dairy free formula for 2 months to see if it was an allergy) and other phases when he's not so sick. Personally as he has no other symptoms I don't class it as reflux just normal baby behaviour. How is your lo at night? If she's fine laid down at night and the sickness isn't excessive projectile style vomiting I wouldn't be concerned xx
Okay cheers. We have no problems at night at all, but she does sleep on her tummy. For the first time in a while I had to give her a little cuddle before bed and noticed lots of little burping and swallowing. She settled herself after 10 minutes.

I'm not overly concerned as overall she seems okay. As you say, probably just a little sicky phase.
Well I said she's sleeping great... except for tonight. Very unsettled :-s
My little girl also suffered reflux as a baby and it resolved when she started to sit unaided but does still occasionally have moments where it returns briefly. Ive just given her the occasional dose when needed which seems to have helped and it's getting less frequent as she's growing but I do find if she has a cheesy meal that tends to upset it more than anything xxx
I had a sicky baby and was given gaviscon and never used it. Teething used to make him sick too and once they started coming they just more or less kept on coming until he was finished teething all together. We had a bit of a cycle though, if he'd start teething he'd ask for more bottle and refuse to eat more and more food until he'd be more or less be back to just bottles then he'd start throwing up and be ill for a day or two maybe three at the most and then he'd get better, get off the bottle and start eating again. It wasn't until the last months he was teething to figure out it really had a pattern. The hv said he had reflux and I'm currently still waiting for results of lactose intolerance.
Thanks for your responses. I still have a load of gaviscon from back in the day but not worried enough to use it... Yet!

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