reduced movements, crampy tummy and needing the loo NOW!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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As the title says really, baby seems very quite this morning, I have a cold drink and have been led still for nearly 2 hours and she isn't wiggling like normal. I also have a crampy but not tightenings in my tummy, and last night my back was so so painful only coidene let me sleep! And since 7am, I've been to the loo 5 times :| this is really unusual for me, it's normally every 2-3days! Could this be the start of something?!x
It might be, but with reduced movement, even if you have done the usual, I'd get on the phone to the midwife pronto hun, just to be on the safe side. x
I'll give them a ring as soon as I'm showered - there goes my pajama day!!x
wriggling yet? Eating and drinking might help. Fx it's the start of something hun. Let us know what mw says.
Had one movement but I was pushing down on my tummy to try and get her to move, she just moved out of the way from my hand I think :/ does that count?x
I'd still phone the mw Hun just to b sure do u have any ice lollies? The cold from them usually gets my lo moving if he's been a bit quiet I'm sure its a bit normal for them to not move as much at this stage as they are saving energy for when its time I read that somewhere. My lo was being so quiet yesterday but he eventually got going and was wriggling like mad but he does have quiet spells at times which freaks me out! I'd just phone to b on safe side if u only had 1 movement all day so far. Hope everything is ok let us know how u get on!
Ps we are due sane day! :) x
Midwife nagged me the other day that any reduced movement is a concern. She said so many ppl say they move less later on but that's not true. (Even I thought it was true). So its always best to call.

I havent got the crampy stomach though. You should get checked :)

Thing is, I can give that advice but never take it, I hate making a fuss! Ive not felt baby at all today. And last night I was feeling really crappy. But I just dnt wanna ring up although ive been told I basically need to. Im home alone too and feeling sad :(

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Midwife nagged me the other day that any reduced movement is a concern. She said so many ppl say they move less later on but that's not true. (Even I thought it was true). So its always best to call.

I havent got the crampy stomach though. You should get checked :)

Thing is, I can give that advice but never take it, I hate making a fuss! Ive not felt baby at all today. And last night I was feeling really crappy. But I just dnt wanna ring up although ive been told I basically need to. Im home alone too and feeling sad :(

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You sound very very similar to me!! When my friend was pregnant I was forever telling her to go to the hospital, now it's my turn I'll do anything to not go up! Since writing this post I've still been putting it off. I had an ice pop - waited an hour. Then I thought I'd try chocolate have a wait, have a shower, clean out the rabbit! I'm running out of things to do now and still I'm not getting any movement! Looks like its time to take our own advice!!xz
Ring please girls!! Its so important, no one will ever think you are wasting time, and if trace shows a problem they can do something about it, they can't do anything if you don't call! Now I've told you off! :lol:
Ring please girls!! Its so important, no one will ever think you are wasting time, and if trace shows a problem they can do something about it, they can't do anything if you don't call! Now I've told you off! :lol:

Haha, I consider myself told! :) I'll call them now :) x x
Ring ring ring the both off you you will feel so much better knowing things are ok in there otherwise youll spend all day worryingx
You sound very very similar to me!! When my friend was pregnant I was forever telling her to go to the hospital, now it's my turn I'll do anything to not go up! Since writing this post I've still been putting it off. I had an ice pop - waited an hour. Then I thought I'd try chocolate have a wait, have a shower, clean out the rabbit! I'm running out of things to do now and still I'm not getting any movement! Looks like its time to take our own advice!!xz

Me too! I had a lie down.. pushed him around and he finally!!! moved away from my hand! Hope u have called up. I am going for a bath as he usually has a wiggle in there. If hes still quiet.. I may consider calling xx

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I hope you've both rung now. Better to get checked xxx
Had a bath and he had a littls fidget. Think he is feeling how I felt last night.. tired and run down! Lol


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I called and they said come up, as soon as in put the phone down she started dancing! Typical!!x
you should always ring ladies ! ALWAYS ! any reduced movement at all you should ring, i did both times (glad i did now!) lol and only us mums know our babys movements , they say about 10 movements a day in later stages is normal, but my lil man is really active all the time so when he doesnt really move i notice it big time!! JUST RING!!! lol xx

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