
Lol 56 hours of this is not going to be fun! I've had a warm bath which did bring the contractions on..I don't think I could sleep, it's too painful at the moment, I always thought I'd do my best to avoid an epi but if it's just gonna get worse then I think I will have one.. :lol:

Will be having a car journey to the hosp - it will take about 20 mins depending on be honest I don't think it's going to be long until we head off..God I'm such a wimp! Contractions are about 3 1/2 mins apart, lasting about 40 secs..
deffo sounds like you are in labour, hang on as long as you can at home and sometimes it takes a bit longer to dilate. Trust me.

Babylicious said:
deffo sounds like you are in labour, hang on as long as you can at home and sometimes it takes a bit longer to dilate. Trust me.


THat's what I'm thinking, hun. Don't want to get in there only for them to tell me 'You're only 2cms, go home' so gonna take some more paracetomol in a min and hold on for as long as I can..
I had to have an ep in the end. Coz after 50hours i was only 4cm :wall: It was an.....unusual experience but im not guna say anymore coz you have to decide for yourself and i dont wanna put you off!

I had pethadine injections to they helped loads but they sent me off my rocker!!

Yeh its guna get alot worse chick but by the time its really REALLY painful your minds in another world and you just deal with it. You'll be fine everybody gets scared.

It wont be long til you have a wailing baby! Enjoy the quietness while it lasts these last few hours. Mine is currently wailing his head off in my ear for absolutely no reason whatsoever :shock: going deaf!

Keep us updated! :D
poppy160 said:
Babylicious said:
deffo sounds like you are in labour, hang on as long as you can at home and sometimes it takes a bit longer to dilate. Trust me.


THat's what I'm thinking, hun. Don't want to get in there only for them to tell me 'You're only 2cms, go home' so gonna take some more paracetomol in a min and hold on for as long as I can..

I was 28 hours with paris but at home I had progressed much faster than whilst in hospital, just try and stay calm, breathe through the pains and relax as much as poss :hug:
Thanks :hug:

I'm so scared..I can't go and sit on my sofa just in case my waters break - they're only a few months old from DFS and I don't want to ruin it :lol: Or the carpet either cause we I'm kinda glued to the computer chair at the moment barking orders at OH :lol:
HA! Wouldnt worry about making a mess on the sofa you wait till the baby is here! I swear they make a habit out of projectile vomiting on stuff they shouldnt. Kyran usually misses himself and either gets it all over me or our nice black sofa! The house will be a tip soon you'll be so busy so dont worry about it ha!

Yep bark orders at ya OH! lol anything that helps the pain! Get him to rub ya lower back really hard when you get a contraction sort of distracts the pain
I will ask him to do that! I think my waters need to go, I've had the worst pressure down there all day like I need a good fart but farting doesn't ease it..
:rotfl: fart away girl! lol get some lurvin in with ya partner lol praps a good prod will break ya waters! :wink:

Thats prob the baby pressing down on you, annoyingly uncomfortable isnt it!
aaahhhhh! charlotte i'm so excited for you!!!! :cheer:

sarah xxxx :hug:
good luck - this all sounds promising - look forward to hearing some news from you soon :):)
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

how exciting!!!!!! keep breathing hunni! :hug: :hug: :hug: sounds like you're well on your way to popping :D

wow this is exciting!!!!

Don't wait too long hun, you don't want to start pushing in the car :shock:

argh its so bloody show thing wont stop coming :puke:
I had my show at home while I was having painful contractions and 3 hours later I had my baby! Get yourself to hospital.... good luck! :hug: :cheer:
Woo hoooo. I don't know what to advise as i've never done it about throwing some towels on bed and try to kip...or foot massage from OH??? On all fours?? er....dunno...but loadsa these :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug:

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