Crampy Braxton Hicks

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I have had to sit down as I have been getting very crampy tightenings, it goes round to my back too and is uncomfortable rather than painful. The baby is happily kicking away but I feel like it has moved down and is very low - this feels as if its adding to the crampiness.

Has anyone had this before? It feels a bit period pain like or when you need the loo when you have got the runs! :lol:
:( I'm not getting any Braxton Hicks. I take it they feel different from when you were poorly?
Yes these are mildly uncomfortable and across my bump and under it. Im resting on the sofa in the hope that they go away..
are you sure your not a wee bit constipated hun, i have had troubles the last two days and i have been walking like the hunch back of notre dame because of it :( really really severe constant cramp on one hip (where the baby is) sooooo so sore :(

maybe try some prune juice or something, get a bit of space back down there xx
I have had this a few times, i just had a lay down and they went. It reminded me of what having a period feels like - it's been sooo long!
rest up and take it easy hun, i dont think ive had them braxton hicks although a few times its felt like ive had period pain typed but i thought it was normal lol.
lie ya self down. although ur doing very well :)
Hope it settles for you very soon :hugs: x
Yes it did go away and it was just like period pains - BB Im pretty regular and havent been constipated since first trimester, I think the prebiotic capsules I take really help with that. Tell you what though I was pretty uncomfy for a bit there!
just me then :( to be fair today has been alot easier, i think its the extra iron in the raspberry leaf...
Prebiotic capsules are brilliant for your digestion :) there are 4 billion bacteria in each one!
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Aww i'm glad you're feeling a bit better now honey, hope you manage to get some rest. It seems to be one thing after another for you :hug:
Glad it settled hun, change of position or a short walk usually shifts them. Of course if they don't shift after that and are persistant get them checked out :)

All pretty normal at this stage though :hug:
are they like the yogurts? the yogurts are goood :)

No these are capsules that you keep in the fridge, there is some research to support that they help prevent excema in babies too if you take them whilst pregnant. They are more powerful than the yoghurts :)
I get mine in Lloyds chemist they are just over £5 for 30 capsules so loads cheaper than buying the yoghurts or probiotic drinks :)

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